Example sentences of "[vb base] at [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now , of course , we got problems now where they 've all been abolished and is virtually on a voluntary basis , and I say , it 'll be rather interesting to see whether Lamont actually is going to release some more money , cos you probably realise at the moment they 're cutting back on that particular budget .
2 Oh they bag something terrible but then I say at the price I 'm not gon na buy them , I 'm not , but in the Dodger 's there 's not one small in any colour
3 The point you want to arrive at , is getting what you want at the price you can afford .
4 Also excluded from control were dwelling-houses let at a rent which included payments in respect of board , attendance or , more importantly , the use of furniture , the latter exception giving rise to " lino tenancies " ( linoleum on the floor and very little more ) , an early avoidance of rent control approved by the courts .
5 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
6 Ellingham diagrams show at a glance which oxide will be reduced .
7 The clearing banks , in addition , hold at the Bank whatever operational balances they deem necessary .
8 I did n't mean that I meant when you look at a tree it 's sort of got
9 Well look at a miner I mean if he worked three days a week he might only get thirty shillings , in tho very very very seldom worked a full week .
10 Assuming you are going to want to use the material as a normal part of a normal lesson , when you look at a drama you will be looking for short segments which can stand on their own sufficiently to make sense as an independent sequence .
11 If you look at a baby they 're totally out of proportion and they have huge heads do n't they ?
12 Look at the mischief he has done already with his ‘ talent ’ .
13 I just try to make sure I look at the person I 'm talking to , and show them I 'm interested .
14 I think just to amplify that point , if you look at the question which is set down under two two D.
15 You look at the skill you did n't know you had , put a label on it and think : ‘ Yes I do do that ’ , whereas when you first walk in you think you 've done nothing for the last 18 years .
16 Look at the way they treated people years ago .
17 If you look at the way they report they remember what their family environment was like , what their home environment was like as as kids erm you find that they generally have much less positive recollections than people who were n't abused as children .
18 It is still early days for C&P 's programme and Arthur Thomas points out that it may be many years before some changes will be seen : ‘ For example , look at the way we view the building of plants .
19 Look at the way he 's lifting that great sailboard , like a toy . ’
20 Can I say about them er now that one , that is clearly Fred , erm , you know just look at the way he does that proof , erm , oh well now , that one , that 's clearly Ned , erm that 's the way Ned does a proof .
21 And look at the way he 's slept on it oh I 'm not running Tim , I ca n't cope this morning , I know sometimes we do , but I need to walk to the gate like a lady
22 Look at the way he 's , look he 's got a teddy bear
23 Look at the way he 's walking along .
24 Calm down , cheer up , control your temper , wipe that make-up off , you look like a tart , look at the way you walk , do n't wear those trousers , put a dress on , men ca n't control themselves , it 's up to you to take control , love bites are a sign of a man out of control , your sister 's a tart , if you lose your name no one will have you , who do you think you are , listen to her — social life ?
25 Look at the way you live .
26 It worked too — just look at the way you were on stage tonight ! ’
27 For example , one of their star turns , David Swift , whose appearance in the first programme of the series staring out at the world through bright blue eyes beneath a battered trilby marked him out as a natural , recalls going to dance halls in the 1950s in search of girls : ‘ I mean there were plenty of songs coming out then where they say , Look at the way she walks .
28 Look at the way she 's done her hair .
29 Look at the way it 's folded .
30 When you look at the way our railways are run , we can only be grateful that British Rail no longer owns hotels , particularly when you recall what a wonderful training ground the old British Transport Hotels used to be .
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