Example sentences of "[vb base] been [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 We 're acting like that because of the way we 've been treated in the past throughout the school .
2 stuff keep the half way up my back its all padding and stuff and I 've rolled over , as I 've rolled over there 's been another one it has gone off , it felt like I 've been kicked in the back by somebody really having a go at me , it threw me and even with all that I had a like that so there not , there not kiddy toys .
3 they 've been cooked in the microwave for twelve minutes
4 Instead , meaning and order is imposed on our lives as our behaviour , experiences , thoughts , feelings , and so on , are transformed into statistical data and interpreted within a scientific framework to which we have no access unless we 've been trained in the technical language of psychology .
5 Well I think there is , there are n't many problem with the trained people because they 've been trained in the same areas as oneself and therefore understand what you 're on about .
6 We 're particularly aggrieved because we suffered very badly from the storm in 1987 and we 've been struggling in the past few years of drought to replant , ’ said Mr Myers .
7 Erm one of the problems that we 've been facing in the past , certainly , in G P House is the amount of stuff that 's on the floor and therefore we have n't actually been able to tackle these things very effectively .
8 And people , leftover people like — like grubs that 've been kept in the dark .
9 I 've been bowling in the nets for the last two weeks .
10 ‘ I 've been stabbed in the back . ’
11 Having dared , with one or two others , to open the door , I feel I 've been trampled in the rush and I 'm now standing up and waving a little flag saying , ‘ No , no , this is where we should be . '
12 So you are therefore paralysed and , hopefully , because of the anaesthetic you 've been given in the form of gas , things like er halothane , er enfluorane Come in .
13 But beware — the Black Night 's ghoulish cohorts are everywhere , and rumour has it that they 've been dabbling in the dark arts …
14 So I could n't agree more , and that will be taken up in the fairly near future , following the information that I 've been gathering in the various meetings that I 've been having round the country on this .
15 Landowners are demanding that the police get tough with so-called new age travellers who 've been gathering in the region .
16 Since we 've been thinking these past few weeks about what Christians believe , the first text would be in the er skeleton outline that we 've been taking in the Apostles ' creed , which says I believe in the Holy Ghost .
17 The , the , the best defence you could make of that , if you wanted to make a defence of it , would be that in the nineteen twenties and thirties as we 've been seeing in the lectures , I 'll be saying a bit more about that some psychoanalyse was , was developing .
18 So let us say you 've been hit in the eye accidentally by a hockey ball .
19 I 've had a great deal of fun reviewing Animation Works Interactive , so much so that I 've been staying in the office well past my normal time just to play with it .
20 Totally negative approach , of course if you start to do a programme which we have n't been involved in some mistakes will be made but we should be positive and look forward to see how we can avoid the mistake we 've been making in the future .
21 ‘ What I 've been doing in the last few weeks , long overdue , is to match up these various components .
22 What we 've been shown in the Report , and what has , ah , emerged from this discussion , is that for some fifteen years , we engaged in a game of blind man 's buff .
23 They 've been sitting during this meditation on her short useless history as a Socialist , they 've been sitting in the dark and now the moon rises , full and amber against a bar of cloud and Harriet 's face is bowed ; a drink at one hand ; and a cigarette droops glowing from the other .
24 ‘ Sorry to be a pest , ’ Travis apologised , ‘ but I saw you come back without Naylor , ’ and while Leith was rapidly trying to find an excuse for her return to the house without the man everyone knew she had gone walking with , she found that Travis was too involved with his own miseries to want to delve into hers , for he went on , ‘ I 've been sitting in the library thinking about Rosemary , and getting more and more uptight about our situation , when you ran in and I started to think about phoning her .
25 There is magnetism in romantic gestures that make you forget you 've been standing in the same place for half the day , that there is not a child in the house washed and you never got flowers from your 's truly .
26 There was a brief silence then Gerald spoke up : ‘ I 've seen the safe open several times since I 've been working in the business .
27 I 've been working in the sextry for four years and he 's been there all that time .
28 Now , now you 've been working in the area of AIDS for some time now , do you think that the message is getting through ?
29 Yeah , they 've been advertising in the Echo
30 It was a red Transit , one of the new designs which look like they 've been punched in the nose , but there were no markings on it and the rear windows had been painted out .
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