Example sentences of "[vb base] n't [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the heart of the mother 's fury was the fact that the teacher was a self-confessed lesbian — and apparently added insult to injury by assuring the mother : ‘ I do n't go for young girls .
2 But people do n't but th they do n't go for that they go for that because they do n't like the taste of chlorine .
3 Do n't go for that one there .
4 I 'm glad we do n't go for that sort of tree actually .
5 I do n't go for that child , he 's too big man .
6 ‘ Women are a great idea , ’ Crawford had said the previous year , ‘ but I do n't go for this marriage bit .
7 I assure you , I do n't go for scarlet chairs , black carpets and purple and pink curtains , any more than you do . ’
8 You do n't think for one minute I 'm going to eat the filth I give to you ?
9 I 'm going to investigate , see if I ca n't do a conv I do n't think for one minute I will but it 's possible do a conversion er into erm the box type .
10 I do n't think for one minute that there are teachers who are drunk in charge of children in the classroom .
11 I do n't suppose for one moment she has given a thought to what life might be like if she had to ‘ make do ’ married to someone who was n't too well off .
12 I do n't suppose for one minute that it is that simple but could you please advise me ?
13 I do n't suppose for one moment that man fully understood the import of what he was saying .
14 That 's just the way I feel comfortable , and I do n't apologise for that . ’
15 Do n't sunbathe for long periods in the same position .
16 Of course , only the bad stories are told ; obviously , the good ones do n't make for good copy .
17 Be brief and do n't talk for longer than is necessary — remember , the caller is paying for the call .
18 I do n't care for that kind of meanness .
19 No , well he was a bit of a public figure , see , and people like us do n't care for that . ’
20 ‘ Farmers do n't care for those plantations , ’ Mrs Knelle went on .
21 I do n't care for Big Walks .
22 ‘ I know you do n't care for this topic of conversation but I 'm going to bring it up again , nevertheless .
23 I try and believe in important things and they do n't last for five minutes .
24 What I 'm saying to you is , erm I do n't expect for one minute to have a computer installed in my office , ccessdon'tw alter it to that a particular way , and
25 Well no , do n't pay for any privilege , it 's just that they 've
26 do n't pay for those .
27 Get up slowly , do n't stand for long periods and if you feel faint , take some deep , rapid breaths .
28 Oh yeah , they do n't stand for that today , you know .
29 And do n't forget for each for each of the acids .
30 The slogans of the main parties could be summed up as ‘ Do n't vote for the other party ’ ; and the only person rising in the polls was the leader of the Liberal Democrats , whose message could be summed up as ‘ Do n't vote for negative campaigning ’ .
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