Example sentences of "[vb base] for [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Shock and indignation jostle for position in the following quote from a speech of the president of the Royal Society , delivered in 1978 : ‘ Ominously , voices have been raised claiming that limits should be set to scientific inquiry — that there are questions which should not be asked and research which should not be undertaken . ’
2 Service industries predominate for employment in the island offices , shops , banks , garages etc , as well as the whole infrastructure which is associated with tourism .
3 Then your detective should have much more of the qualities that make for success in a real police officer , and much less vulnerability to comic events .
4 One of his first undertakings was to transfer the Tropical African Services Course from the Imperial Institute in South Kensington , ‘ which is not frequented by other students of a kind to make good Administrative officers ’ , to Oxford and Cambridge , where ‘ it would , I am sure , spread interest in our services among other undergraduates of the type we want ’ ; and the great triumph of his career as a bureaucrat was to persuade the Warren Fisher committee , set up in 1927 to examine methods of recruitment into the Colonial Service , that it was unnecessary to look further afield for men ‘ who possess the qualities of mind , character and personality which make for success in the leadership of native … races ’ .
5 They have even given up their company cars and now tout for business in the firm 's delivery van .
6 " Some of the groups " , the White Paper said , " found themselves attempting to reconcile a wish for strict emissions targets , and hence a wish to phase out all fossil fuel burning , with a dislike for the nuclear option and support for coal in the short term .
7 In late 1989 Ian Lang , then Minister for Education in the Scottish Office , announced that SCOTVEC was to take responsibility for the accreditation of Scottish Vocational Qualifications ( SVQs ) .
8 These men look for charm in a woman .
9 Look for woodlice in the garden , a park , a hedgerow or a wood .
10 During daylight most barbel will be sheltering and so I also look for cover in the form of weed beds , deep hollows and undercut banks .
11 Most people who negotiate for habitat in the countryside will bear witness that their hearts sink when an agent is involved .
12 This will strengthen Coatings drive for success in a market where the current flat demand for wet paint has made competition even more intense .
13 On Wednesdays I train for hockey in the local indoor leisure centre .
14 This small project was provided to enable the investigators to incorporate the revised data into their working files , validate their preliminary results and prepare the complete data set for inclusion in an archive of comparable British time budget surveys from 1961-1984 , which is to be made available to the social science community .
15 Instead , their main , if not their only , function is to serve as ‘ relays ’ — human boosters for the faint , unfocused signals that pass for communication in the traditional pre-information organization .
16 If we now allow for variation in the savings proportions , then we can apply the earlier results .
17 Along the horizontal axis are measured the supply of and demand for labour in the ith market , and respectively .
18 In addition to these data requirements , such users are also interested in developing their capabilities for modelling the changing relationships between the supply and demand for infrastructure in the context of both public and private sector decision-making .
19 This paper examines the contribution of research to hill farming in Scotland and the opportunities and possibilities that exist for change in the industry .
20 An account of this scheme is given in Munday and Mallinson ( 1983 ) and in Cameron 's ( 1987 ) study of build and refurbish for sale in the North East ( I am grateful to Stuart Cameron of Newcastle University for his generous provision of materials ) .
22 Make an extra portion of salad if you are eating salad that evening , and leave it in the fridge to be collected as you leave for work in the morning .
23 The changes covered so far are really simple extensions to the basic Illustrator concept and , indeed , all the files created with them can be saved in Illustrator 1.1 format for use in the original program .
24 Even the civilian academics at the college seem to be nullified by the overriding police desire for circumspection in the written account and the preference for academic silence .
25 He says she is still the MP she was ; in 1986 she told a hard left conference that ‘ if they come for Militant in the morning , they 'll come for the rest of us in the afternoon ’ .
26 To do this , the ‘ vocational ’ element in education is critical because it increases the skills people have for use in a variety of enterprises ; it allows people to make use of their learning .
27 The circumstances of Japan 's opening to the West thus seemed calculated to reinforce rather than diminish a sense of separateness and need for security in the face of manifestly unequal treatment .
28 So we pray for peace ; we pray for peace in the Gulf War , and ask that your guiding hand may direct the actions of all those involved .
29 We also pray for peace in the Baltic states and in Northern Ireland .
30 We pray for peace in the world .
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