Example sentences of "[vb base] it [adj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Where a local authority consider it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area — ( a ) they may prosecute … any legal proceedings …
2 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a local authority consider it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area — ( a ) they may prosecute or defend or appear in any legal proceedings and , in the case of civil proceedings , may institute them in their own name …
3 Microprocessor-controlled rows of lamps can help learners with number work ( for example , in binary ) , while using a computer to collect temperature data , for instance , and present it ready for a graph is also of value .
4 We had to organise it so that we could move it on a Saturday night from Manchester to Oxford and get it ready for a full orchestra , circus , and technical rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon .
5 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
6 We hope you will keep it to hand and that you find it useful for the future .
7 Once I had the basic colours put in I would then sometimes , for added intensity , dip the point of a certain colour into the water and apply it direct for a small intense spot of pigment .
8 If the money to fund a curator is n't raised in time , the Pitt Rivers music collection will be the only music collection of its class in the world without a qualified musicologist to look after it and keep it alive for the rest of us .
9 Keep your chequebook and your cheque card separate : If you make it easy for a thief to plunder your account by keeping your chequebook and card together , you could be held responsible for the whole amount .
10 The honeypot 's charms make it easy for the Fund to poach skilled personnel from Third World administrations already desperately short of such skills .
11 This trusteeship is supported in many countries by laws which define the familial nature of ownership and , indeed , of occupation and make it inconceivable for the farmer willingly to support farm amalgamation of the kind envisaged .
12 The features which characterize UDC and which make it appropriate for the applications discussed above are :
13 Today 's methods of birth control make it possible for a couple to choose whether or not to have a child .
14 Indeed , both the limiting fraction under Method B and the use of the adjusting items make it possible for a company to report a loss , but still make payments under its PRP scheme .
15 Government grants , up to 50 per cent of capital investment , make it possible for a syndicate of small haulage contractors to collect goods , carried long-distance by rail , for further distribution by road .
16 These advantages make it possible for the miners to produce a high output , of about 3 tonnes per man per shift .
17 This meeting strongly condemns the regulations of the Food Controller , which favour the rich who are not in danger of being without food , make it possible for the wealthy to provide unscrupulous profiteers to defraud the nation by government sanction i.e. the fixing of prices for potatoes and other edibles , and therefore calls for Lord Devonport 's removal from office .
18 Make it possible for the other person to change what they do .
19 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
20 These can be forms of avoidance that make it impossible for the couple to look at their marital problems .
21 Such variations not only confuse users about the forms of headings , but also make it difficult for a cataloguer inserting a new heading for local use to discern the principles which should be heeded to retain consistency of approach .
22 This will give you a head start and make it difficult for the driver to follow .
23 This is not only expressed through direct welfare , housing and educational provision to families which helps to ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour , but also in the reproduction of wider ideologies of popular consent which make it difficult for the rule to see the possibility of any other form of economic and political organization .
24 A third suggestion is that the black and white stripes dazzle the lion when it gets very close to its prey and make it difficult for the killer to concentrate on its fast-moving victim .
25 If we 'll only buy highly coloured food , we make it difficult for the industry to eliminate the additives which provide them .
26 Their manager , Alex MacDonald , an old Ranger himself , is clear about what his side can and can not do : ‘ We work hard and harass and make it difficult for the opposition . ’
27 Given that weak electromagnetic fields at the power frequencies 50Hz and 60Hz do pollute the environment in the sense that they make it hostile for the chemistry of body functions , there is no real choice other than making sure we live well removed from power lines or accept the higher incidence of cancer and leukaemia as tolerable .
28 In addition to romantic flowers , this rose has dark foliage , purplish stems and few thorns , which make it ideal for a house front .
29 Cozydry 's instant heat and touch control make it ideal for the infirm .
30 Strong and justified pressures for a New International Economic Order also make it imperative for the implications of Europe 's relationships with the Third World to be taken into serious account .
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