Example sentences of "[vb base] to [pers pn] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I also say to him that the lesson we learn from the United States is not to go down the route that he and his party have signed up to in signing up to a socialist manifesto for the European elections .
2 Occasionally people say to me that the Government are seeking to turn health care into a business .
3 If I say to you that the typical buyer of your product is the wife of a coal miner , living in Yorkshire , with three children under ten , with a council flat , no car but a colour TV , you can start to deduce a lot about her way of life and , perhaps , her approach to the sort of product you have to sell .
4 Brothers and sisters , I say to you that the message that must leave this Conference is one that says to all trade unionists , we will fight any oppressive legislation used against us .
5 ’ They say to you that the way to become a really good actor is to tell them everything about yourself , tell them all your fears and insecurities .
6 But how can natural selection see to it that the two pathways are not mixed , and that cooperating groups of compatible genes emerge ?
7 The housewives and small restaurateurs who rely upon the professional skill of charcutiers and pâtissiers for a part of their supplies see to it that the pâtés and sausages , the little salads for hors-d'oeuvre , the galantines and terrines and fish quenelles , the hams and tongues and pies , pastries and fruit flans , the petits fours and the croissants maintain high standards of freshness and excellence , and that any popular regional speciality of the district continues to be cooked with the right and proper traditional ingredients , even if the methods have been speeded up by the introduction of modern machinery .
8 See to it that the resolve does not expire with my departure . ’
9 Mauleverer had then proceeded to snatch the cover off the dish on Amiss 's tray , sniff disparagingly and explain to him that the ham was underdone and the eggs too hard .
10 I explain to them that the local garage which supplied us with petrol has closed and we therefore no longer have an account .
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