Example sentences of "[vb base] in the [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Ian number three two six eh question relating to eh a mention in the report eh in connection with the statement of faith , the panel say in the report on page one eight nine that they recognize the statement does not fully satisfy the concern for a modern confession of faith which was the background to the remit given by the assembly of nineteen eighty six .
2 They were advised to carry on as at present with these and focus in the meantime on the priority problem behaviour .
3 The governments of member states interfere in the market on a very considerable scale by imposing standards upon the producers of goods and indeed services .
4 On Sunday morning , 16 September , they set sail in the packet-boat on a boisterous sea .
5 No it the the head of the bed was up against the far wall the as you look in the room on the right .
6 Go and stand in the corner on one leg with your face to the wall ! ’
7 The group winners meet in the final on May 26 .
8 John Mackintosh then argued strongly , right up to his death , for a ‘ Yes ’ vote in the referendum on the grounds that only a Scottish Assembly , however imperfect , could sort out the anomalies with Westminster .
9 Dance in the dew on 1st May .
10 Brush in the sand on a dry day to prevent it sticking .
11 Yeah well you must go under when you go in the water on your back .
12 Most cutters engage in the behaviour on several occasions , some cutting themselves hundreds of times altogether ( Rosenthal et al. 1972 ) .
13 We always march in the parade on Armistice Sunday and this year erm I picked my poppy wreath up from the vic from vicarage and I said to the Vicar , you do n't mind if I wind some white poppies in this one do you , because it was the Earl Hague poppy you know .
14 In utter darkness , breathing rank air and deafened by the breakers outside , he kept himself alive by groping around for newly hatched swiftlet nestlings and the grubs which thrive in the dung on the cave floor .
15 As we mention in the section on Concentration , a good time-table of study can take the place of motivation until such motivation develops of its own accord .
16 Not when you see her come in the hall on a Monday morning at eight o'clock having done three hours .
17 When she was on holiday last week , she come in the shop on er the Thursday or the Friday , she could n't speak then .
18 Nearer to Christmas time they are supplemented by college and older school students , some of whom already work in the store on late night shopping evenings or at the weekend .
19 Three distinct mechanisms feature in the literature on hysteresis :
20 In the Tønder example , however , the vugs occur in the subsurface on top of a salt dome , with thick units of halite above and below , and it is more probable that they were formed by the same late-leaching process that was responsible for the intercrystalline porosity ( Clark 1980a ) .
21 Modification of tRNAs normally occur in the nucleus on pre-tRNAs that are trimmed before passage out to the cytoplasm ( 11 ) .
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