Example sentences of "[vb base] in the [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 In this collection , not to be confused with Le premier livre des Pseaulmes of the same year in which he treats 24 of them more elaborately , Bourgeois nearly always puts the ( usually borrowed ) tune in the tenor with note-against-note counterpoint .
2 Institutions vary in the speed with which they are able to dispatch the necessary monies .
3 Hard crusts accumulate in the nose with loss of taste and smell .
4 We wake in the night with a churning mind and it seems that nothing will settle the anxiety .
5 They snout in the dirt with their long noses .
6 I had been trying to produce in Jimbo the necessary mental awareness that the real cure — the reopening of the nerve pathways — lay in the end with him .
7 What had come to the poets in their most serene or passionate moments we glided into as easily as we gathered flowers for Maud or Blanche or Mabel , as we lay in the grass with our eyes divided between the books , the land and the clouds .
8 Rub in the butter with the hands , then add the low-fat cheese spread and work in with the hands .
9 At first puzzled , then anxious , then furious with disbelief , you sit in the driveway with the engine running ; you sit there for weeks , months , for years , waiting for the doors to open .
10 They had made one album , which had failed , partly , it was felt within the company , because they had thrown away the chance of a prestigious tour , supporting Talking Heads , by their novel plan to simply switch on their machines and tape-recorders and then sit in the auditorium with the audience and watch the show themselves .
11 When she 's crying with pain for something like a migraine headache , I just sit in the dark with her and hold her hand .
12 When I sit in the room with it , he wrote , it 's like sitting in a room with a corpse .
13 A total of 94 riders remain in the race with four stages to go.Two dropped out yesterday , Australian Rob McLachlan submitting to flu and South African Steven Wolhuter being admitted to Shrewsbury Hospital for a check-up though he was released later .
14 Twin terrors combine in the instant with nightmare logic : feathers and cobwebs , cobwebs and feathers … and now … words … words burned into the blackness … white words , black words … seen , yet not seen … silent , yet heard … words I had read in the Book and forgotten but now knew again … word for word :
15 ‘ Acid rain ’ is reckoned by many to be caused when the gases from fossil-fuelled power stations , oil refineries , car exhausts , smelters and factories — sulphur dioxide and the nitrogen oxides — combine in the atmosphere with moisture to form sulphuric and nitric acids .
16 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
17 go in the shower with them on .
18 Lily had suggested they go in the carriage with Violet Anstruther , since Roman Catholics resembled Orthodox more , she thought .
19 There was cause for celebration for the Centrecourt Cardinals , Basingstoke , who had their first ever win in the event with a 2–0 victory over 'Europ , a' Southampton .
20 If the AE and AD groups differ in the ease with which they acquire the target response to A ( as they well might ) , then differences in test performance might reflect only that there was more conditioned responding to generalize in one case than in the other .
21 Many complaints start in the nose with sneezing , coryza with red eyes and headache .
22 You tactfully join in the conversation with one of the three ( preferably the newcomer ) and therefore restore the one-to-one situation .
23 ‘ Perhaps we should leave it , go back to London and return in the spring with soldiers ? ’
24 So if you massage in the neck with your moisturizer with upward movements it will help those lines .
25 Have your tea , then you can either go up to the nursery and play or come in the kitchen with me and help me make a pie , whichever you like . ’
26 Check in the spring with the woodstorks .
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