Example sentences of "[vb base] in the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Full details appear in the Schedule to the Consumer Credit ( Settlement Information ) Regulations 1983 .
2 However , while ‘ care package ’ and ‘ care planning ’ both appear in the glossary to this document , ‘ care programme ’ is conspicuous by its absence .
3 Durie and Bates lost their mixed doubles title in the quarter-final to the pair they defeated in last year 's final , Scott Davis and Robin White .
4 Bobby was a magnificent header of the ball and graceful too , so that many of his goals were spectacular , picturesque affairs , which stand in the memory to this day , while he also possessed a prodigious long-throw , which the Palace exploited most successfully and was the League 's prototype for this tactical ploy .
5 Particular papers vary in the degree to which they emphasize propaganda rather than information , and this emphasis also varies through time .
6 Cultures vary in the degree to which they take sexual deviance as a serious sin or crime , but all control sexuality in some way .
7 The proximate cause of ageing may well be various kinds of damage ; however , these comparisons show that organisms vary in the extent to which they avoid or combat it .
8 Assessment schemes vary in the extent to which they rely on a structured syllabus and defined test modes .
9 Physicians and family doctors vary in the extent to which they feel comfortable outside the strict limits of medical treatment ; for psychiatrists , on the other hand , this is the essential nature of their work .
10 The functional select committees vary in the extent to which they pay attention to the expenditure proposals in departmental estimates .
11 Languages vary in the extent to which they rely on word order to signal the relationship between elements in the clause .
12 Admittedly , disciplines vary in the extent to which a personal response is expected of students .
13 As you read in the introduction to this book , when people eat high-fibre diets they excrete more calories in their stools ( faeces ) .
14 I read in the guide to Members of the House that he is the embodiment of the success of Government policies .
15 Its principal strengths lie in the ability to ( a ) make selective use of available visual cues ( for fluent readers much of the visual stimulus remains unattended [ Just & Carpenter , 1987 ] ) and ( b ) utilise an understanding of the text that can guide the reading process and compensate for any degradation or ambiguity within the visual stimulus .
16 The mile-long nets hang in the water to a depth of 30 metres ( 100 feet ) , forming a much deeper net curtain than the squid and salmon nets of the open ocean .
17 Change in the attitude to Welsh of some 800 pupils will be examined in terms of youth culture , use of mass media , identification models , language background of the home as well as the school and neighbourhood , type of school attended , self concept , achievement level , gender and age .
18 I mean I 've never needed a new licence for the last three and a half years but Nicholas erm prior to this in the countdown to me appearing for my drink drive which is in a matter of about ten weeks I believe in the countdown to that , Nick said on several o two occasions anyway while other members of staff were present , Well this is a way of getting rid of him without having to pay him redundancy money .
19 All the LDP companies operate in the middle to upper end of the market .
20 On her own examination of the evidence , Bachrach has argued that community services have not generally assisted the chronic population and that communities differ in the degree to which they have been ‘ ready ’ to accept the retreat from institutions .
21 These models therefore differ in the degree to which specialisation for a particular function is thought to exist .
22 The two broad categories of plants designated C 3 and C 4 differ in the biochemical pathways through which they fix carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and so differ in the degree to which they benefit from increased carbon dioxide .
23 Although languages differ in the extent to which they regularly specify the gender of human referents ( cf. English they and French ils/elles ) , we all readily recognize the distinction and expect it to reflect a genuine aspect of experience .
24 Schools differ in the extent to which health education is a priority :
25 In spite of his admiration for Baron of Buchlyvie , and having been so keen to purchase it , Kilpatrick sold a half share in the horse to his rival , William Dunlop .
26 The point is that the second version contains superfluous and irrelevant information , though this would not necessarily be the case if we were explaining what we do in the morning to an ( English-speaking ! )
27 Put the bread slices in an oven dish , buttered beforehand , cover them with cheese cream and leave in the oven to brown . "
28 I have my first sittings at 8.30 am , and then I have my meetings ; I dictate in the afternoon to my secretary , and I might work on till midnight .
29 Madrid : Uncertainty ahead of Friday 's inflation data brought a 0.79 fall in the index to 322.32 .
30 ‘ You can jeep to the front , 25 miles away , of a morning , ’ observed a New York Times man based in Hanoi , ‘ and return in the evening to a dinner of onion soup , grilled pigeon , chocolate soufflé and champagne . ’
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