Example sentences of "[vb base] to [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The law provides that if a member of a local authority fails throughout a period of six consecutive months to attend any meeting of the local authority he shall , unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the local authority before the expiry of that period , cease to be a member of the authority .
2 Only after the contract takes effect does the agent ( putatively ) ‘ cease to be a person ’ .
3 It was there my husband and I began to develop our theories , Darcian Monetarism as it came to be called : that the answer to our current economic ills is not to control inflation but to encourage it until we cease to be a money economy altogether .
4 It may not be too long before farm workers cease to be a majority of those engaged in farming .
5 ( d ) Termination of party status Any person may ask the court to order that he or another person cease to be a party to proceedings ( FPCR , r7(2) ; FPR , r4.7(2) ) .
6 Dowsing and other devices , including the various ‘ ley detectors ’ invented by Jimmy Goddard , appear to be a way of bringing this general psychic awareness into focus , demonstrating it in a form which our conscious mind can handle .
7 Dwayne pulls it out , hunkers down and says , ‘ You appear to be a pilot without a plane .
8 It is not unknown for a suburban bureau to have a waiting list of potential volunteers , but in the main staff shortages appear to be a problem equally in suburban and inner-city areas .
9 ‘ If I may say so , ’ she told him , ‘ you appear to be a man with a weakness for making judgements on very little evidence . ’
10 His two concessions to luxury appear to be a passion for fast cars — he is the proud owner of a turbo-Bentley — and a 5,000 acre estate in Scotland .
11 ‘ Under the circumstances , ’ PW says , ‘ without such essential evidence and insofar as it bears on the activities of Price Waterhouse UK in the matter , the findings of the Kerry report appear to be a hotch potch of hearsay , conjecture and unsubstantiated assertion . ’
12 The aircraft featured on this recent example , which measures some 10″ in diameter , appear to be a Junkers Ju 88s .
13 The video is a cruel critic and will immediately show whether you appear to be a victim or a survivor .
14 For during this first term the long regular letters to Harry Hooton appear to be a substitute for letters to Helen and a roundabout way of informing her of his progress .
15 Addictions appear to be a growth industry , particularly in America where the penchant for navel-gazing has no equal ; but whether we see branches of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous or Codependents Anonymous appearing in Edinburgh remains to be seen .
16 There appear to be a lot jotted throughout , but they do n't amount to a vast amount of money .
17 This means that what appear to be a number of completely different particles at low energies are in fact found to be all the same type of particle , only in different states .
18 The West Germans believe that the PFLP-GC was not involved in the bombing , even though Talb 's links with it appear to be a matter of record .
19 " All of a sudden you want to be a driver . "
20 ‘ I am devoting myself to this mystery because i want to be a man . ’
21 So you want to be a boxer ; you want to be a champ ; you want to live one of the great sporting dreams .
22 ‘ I wouldn't. ever want to be a princess , ’ Dot sometimes said , because she wanted so much to be one .
23 ‘ I want to be a fighter pilot when I leave school , ’ said fourteen-year-old Martin .
24 ‘ I want to be a farmer , ’ said Pip .
25 ‘ I do n't partic — ’ and he stumbled over the word , ‘ particular lely want to be a bird … ’
26 It makes me cough a bit because when I came on the scene he was the one academically everything and she was the one who was academically rather disadvantaged but she , she was , you know , no not having the greatest of , of , of success but erm it was said that she would n't be able to be a student nurse because she was n't bright enough but you know she clocked up the O levels and A levels like guide badges and she went off on this pre-nursing course in South Notts you know and she was in and out of the Queens on a course and people and , you know , and she said I do n't know all the answers but I 've a rough idea about some of the questions , I want to be a nurse and off she went to , to , to Walsall and I 'm not saying she 's a brilliant student nurse but erm absolutely clear that she 's better than some of the others .
27 If a girl says I want to be a nurse , is she asked well erm have you thought about becoming a manager of a hospital if you start off in nursing ; can you see your way ; how would you get to that position if you become a you know I just wonder , erm I doubt very much that that goes on .
28 I want to be a cadet officer in the Guards — Grenadiers , Coldstream sort of thing .
29 If you want to be a part of Top Dog '91 , fill in the entry form opposite — and do it now .
30 I want to be a part of the sport , one sport which encompasses everyone from a small kid who wants to have a go at throwing the javelin because he has seen Steve Backley on television , through to the 60-year-old recreational runner . ’
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