Example sentences of "[vb base] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Other types of switch involve a change of code from Creole to London English and back to Creole within a single turn .
2 One accepts , of course , that the sheer volume and intractability of the subject matter render resort to delegated legislation to some degree inevitable ; but , by the same token , those very factors of volume and intractability almost necessarily involve a degree of perfunctoriness in parliamentary scrutiny .
3 They involve a life of self-denial and sacrifice .
4 The point I am trying to make is that both suicide of the schizoid type and anorexia nervosa involve a denial of reality which depends upon an acceptance of a split between self and body , and is only possible through paradox .
5 These games involve a lot of reading .
6 Genetic algorithms involve a lot of computation .
7 In addition hierarchies involve a stratification of authority and the following of rules .
8 Confusion and muddle resulting from mislaid books and materials involve a waste of time for any pupil , but are even more of a nuisance for one who sees poorly .
9 Both exhibitions result from the 1990/91 bursary awards and involve a combination of performance and photography ( 7 Mar–12 Apr ) .
10 Other queries involve a spot of detective work , such as trying to identify a particular type of fibreboard needed for refurbishment work .
11 The formalities of putting the Shell account into operation involve a minimum of paperwork .
12 Some radioactive methods , like uranium series dating , involve a chain of decay : one radioactive element decays into another which in turn decays .
13 The following criteria would have to be satisfied : ( i ) the disposition would have to be contained in a will and be charged on the heir under that will ; and either ( ii ) involve a sum of money , or ( iii ) involve property but be heard by a provincial court .
14 Even so , recent re-estimates of their weighting suggest a degree of caution in evaluating their contribution .
15 Some sceptics have been quick to see that this could well be a familiar pointer to the future — suggest a service for closure in the hope that the relevant council will come up with the money to reprieve it .
16 On the face of it , such high commissions suggest a lack of price competitiveness , but as noted above , large institutional buyers are able to force distributors to share all or part of the selling concession , and prices may thus be lower than they appear .
17 Our results suggest a link between smoking and alcohol and complications ( CLO , severe oesophagitis , or adenocarcinoma ) of acid reflux in patients without hiatus hernias .
18 The client wants an adviser who can interview sympathetically , ascertain the facts , analyse the problem and suggest a course of action .
19 In the midst of those terrifying complaint stories in Numbers is another chapter concerned with the offerings to be made once the people have occupied the Land , offerings which suggest a life of plenty waiting to be enjoyed there ( ch.
20 In Starlust , Fred and Judy Vermoral suggest a life of pop as a flood of tears , semen , saliva , love-juice , breath , sweat , fantasies of licking whipped cream out of Clem Burke of Blondie 's bum .
21 The 10-feet high palings , with their broad central gates and twin gas lamps , may not be as imposing as the metal fence around Buckingham Palace , but they do , in their modest way , suggest a sense of grandeur appropriate to a leader who has held office for 10 years .
22 His mock-learned apparatus — appendices , maps of Middle-Earth and indexes — suggest a sense of erudition amiably mixed with bonhomie and fun ; his no-nonsense Christianity a hunger for the spiritual and a yearning for roots .
23 The general criteria above suggest a range of assessment tasks in both practical and written test modes .
24 One day the law may re-examine the place in our law of combination and of the ‘ chasm ’ between lawful and unlawful acts which exists in the case of an individual , but the latest judicial pronouncements suggest a retreat from liability rather than an advance towards a principle that the intentional infliction of harm without justification is actionable .
25 Nationally endorsed policies suggest a need for consistency and co-ordination in implementation .
26 The same objections might also be applied to models which suggest a role for government policy arising out of asymmetries of information between groups in the private sector .
27 HMG 1 and 2 themselves have features that suggest a role in DNA processing involving shape selective recognition of structural distortions to DNA such as B-Z junctions and cruciforms ( 46 , 47 ) , and the bent , unwound structures created by binding of cisplatin ( 20 ) .
28 Thus the main rhythms are not static , but suggest a movement of circulation appropriate to the transactions of the Post Office . ’
29 As university teachers suggest a code of conduct , Dea Birkett recalls a personal encounter with a lecherous lecturer
30 Suggest a line of dialogue for each character .
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