Example sentences of "[vb base] and [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I OFTEN feel a touch like Ebenezer Scrooge myself at this time of year when fairies , goblins , elves and rosy-cheeked brats skip and flit across the silver screen .
2 In many of the orchids , the bees slip and fall through the flower or into a trap , for example in Stanhopea candida in Amazonia , pollination is by Eulaema moscaryi , which ‘ falls through ’ the flower after collecting the scent ; in so doing , it brushes against the pollinia and in the next flower these are lodged in the stigmatic cavity .
3 They 're really not interested in mad pop kids with big cocks and big noise who appear and disappear in the twinkling of an eye .
4 Arriving around 3.00pm you disembark and check into the luxurious Basle Hilton Hotel for overnight stay .
5 What people want and expect from the radio is not necessarily what those who control broadcasting want to give them .
6 Spread on lather evenly and shave first with downward strokes , then relather and shave in the opposite direction .
7 ‘ When I see him racing I yell and scream with the best of them , ’ Sharon confesses .
8 Press and pat onto the face but never rub it . ’
9 The Sports Council have to follow Government Policy and make everyone self financing and self sufficient you will no doubt read int he press and hear through the media about many similar cases , it is a case for grave concern and efforts will be made to seek the support of many people who applaud our type of work and so give the world of Movement and Dance the benefit of their experience and support .
10 ‘ I have to go , ’ I say and go to the hall for my coat .
11 May all that we say and do in the service of this county , whether as elected member or as officer , be in accordance with your will and for the good of your people .
12 listen and respond to the presentation or performance of an increasing range of fiction , poetry and plays ;
13 Furthermore , participants in talk continually listen and respond to the talk of other participants , and in so doing , display their own analyses of what has gone before .
14 Four lines cut and skip through the waves as Grant pulls away steadily for the drag .
15 Next time you find yourself queuing to have your photo taken on the Cantilever in Snowdonia , or looking for a vacant shelter to eat your sandwiches in on Scafell Pike , stop and look to the west .
16 If a ‘ keep out ’ sign annoys you , stop and think of the stalker and his family before you do anything silly , and even if the whole issue of land use and access in Scotland enrages you , remember the place for a protest is not on the hill , but in the ballot box .
17 Just stop and think about the word freedom .
18 stop and rewind to the starting point you marked ( i.e. by rewinding to 000 ) ;
19 The decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in London International College v Sen is to be welcomed by lawyers , CAB workers , Trade Union advisors and in particular by people who seek and rely on the advice of the above .
20 My boots squelch and squeak on the tiles .
21 The existing craft mainly receive and transmit in the 6–4 gigahertz band .
22 ‘ We also support and stay with the Lord Mayor . ’
23 So in OALD the examples support and enlarge on the definitions ; they are sentences or phrases showing the word or phrase which has been defined in use .
24 Glare and flicker from the screen can strain eyes and poor layout of workstations can cause discomfort .
25 In this buyers ' guide we cover and comment on the best ( and some we would n't give tank-space to ) and leave the reader to judge .
26 Cover and chill in the fridge for 2 hours .
27 Cover and cook in the pre-heated oven for 2½–3hr , until the beef is tender .
28 Cover and cook in the pre-heated oven for 3½–4hr , until the venison is cooked and tender .
29 Bring to the boil , then cover and cook in the pre-heated oven for 2hr or until the beef is tender .
30 Cover and cook in the centre of a preheated 180°C/ 350°F/Gas 4 oven for 1½ hours , or until the chicken is tender .
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