Example sentences of "[vb base] and [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 This is the language of the press release , breathlessly informing us that a speculator whose environmental record is not exactly unblemished and whose monstrous Land 's End ‘ facilities ’ are a blight against all aesthetic considerations , really does care what happens to the dear little flowers that have taken eternity to develop , and the cuddly cliff faces which shake and quiver at the climber 's intrusive touch .
2 Sit and relax at the Bellevue San Lorenzo
3 You and Larry sit and eat at the table .
4 There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire .
5 For some teachers , problems arose when they sought to reconcile this expectation with their simultaneous sense of obligation to monitor , diagnose , assess and interact at the level of the individual child .
6 We both stand and stare at the man , and at the blood spreading amongst the red hair .
7 As a few of us stand and look at the Germans , Mills Roberts appears with a few of his Officers .
8 ‘ He used to go down there and stand and look at the frieze Bulkeley was carving ; the one that will surmount the cart and later be hung in the chantry chapel at the other end of this house .
9 For those who watch and wonder at the rare
10 All the patterns begin and end at the same spot .
11 In the light from the partly-opened curtains , she could see his head above hers , his neck stretched , his eyes open and staring at the wall above the bed-head .
12 I wave and clap at the crowd , blow kisses at them and bow , it is not theatricality but very genuine feeling .
13 But try and look at the fundamental basis of what they 're trying to put over to you on the video , okay ?
14 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
15 We try and look at the risk to see if it warrants an extra premium .
16 So when you try and look at the sun you ca n't see it .
17 Go and sit at the table .
18 Botanical guides had their heyday during the Victorian mania for fern-collection , which stripped the mountains bare of many of the rarest species — go and look at the grave of ‘ Wil Boots ’ in Nant Peris churchyard for the story of this in miniature .
19 Go and look at the clock you are thinking about and see whether or not you were right .
20 Go and look at the stones .
21 . Go and look at the garden . .
22 erm Yes it 's quite interesting I mean the if you go and look at the computerised facility that I 'd found about communications training , there are something like three hundred and ninety two sources of training in Scotland .
23 ‘ But the most difficult thing about this band for me is actually playing parts live and singing at the same time !
24 The annual celebration of the ‘ World day of the Sick ’ , therefore , has the manifest purpose of making the People of God and , as a consequence , the many Catholic health care institutions and civil society itself , more aware of the necessity of ensuring the best possible care for the infirm ; of helping the sick person to make the most of suffering , on the human level , but most of all on the supernatural one ; of especially helping the dioceses , Christian communities and religious families to be involved in the health care of apostolate ; of enhancing the ever more valuable commitment of volunteers ; or reminding people of the importance of the spiritual and moral training of health care workers , and last of all of creating a better understanding of the importance of religious care for the sick among diocesan and religious priests , as well as among those who live and work at the side of the person in pain .
25 Does Birmingham want a centre where people live and work , or a shopping complex that draws in people who live and sleep at the end of the bus routes ?
26 There are various ways about that as there are with many road schemes er where there are structure plan policies for a particular scheme and there are arrows on key diagrams , there are many ways of getting from A to B er they are not er in terms of outer and inner , they are going from the same A to B. They they start and finish at the same locations , it is just a different way of getting from A to B. Which quite properly as I understand it would be a matter for debate er either at the local plan or if a planning application is made er earlier than that er then at a at a planning enquiry into the specific road proposal .
27 I reach over the palletwood fence and pour water from the long spout into his half-empty ice cream tub , then straighten and stare at the huge , inert body , my mind searching for an excuse to proceed beyond the shed .
28 It 's a thing I love and hate at the same time .
29 The far-sighted politician must do a ‘ thought experiment ’ and apply the test of war : would the British ever be willing to see British troops fight and die at the behest of the successors of M Jacques Delors , without the British Government giving the final yea or nay ?
30 Boats come and go at the waterfront
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