Example sentences of "[vb base] the [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This combination of specimens could be recognized either by grouping them into a single genus or into a tribe , and on present evidence I favour the latter alternative and suggest the Afropithecini as a suitable name .
2 If no changes occur then repeat the same remedy and wait again .
3 If farms remain the same size as now ( 1 .
4 and that each remain the same thing although being described by a variety of different er descriptions .
5 Thus a program was written which , given a suggested set of grade boundaries , would evaluate their effects in terms of : ( i ) the numbers of staff by " before " and " after " grade ; ( ii ) the overall percentage upgrading and downgrading ; ( iii ) the percentage changes by grade ( that is the percentage of staff in each " before " grade who are upgraded , who remain the same grade and who are downgraded ) .
6 The nearest human equivalent to purring is smiling , and we also make the same mistake when we say that a smiling man is a happy man .
7 In the end , they make the same decision as most others and decide to go ahead and have children , and to try to reconcile this with their material aspirations .
8 Does topic mean the same thing as theme , that is , what the message is about ?
9 Like the oppressed people in the working class communities throughout Britain , the people in my community suffer the same pain and the same negative imagery as our counterparts in the Third World .
10 Does learning to ride a bicycle or give an injection involve the same processes as learning the anatomy and physiology of the alimentary tract , or a foreign language , or learning to solve problems ?
11 ‘ The large number of calls from Merseyside involve the same problems as from elsewhere , but there is that extra chirpiness in the voice no matter what is wrong . ’
12 Both strategies involve the same cost and have the same risk ( resulting from the unknown value of the cash index at the end of the year ) .
13 The mosaics effect the same purpose as the Gothic portals in the great cathedrals : they tell the Bible story to a population which could not read .
14 The following graphs suggest the same behaviour as for the intensity — roughly linear over an interval , possibly a power or exponential .
15 Having intercepted the track fly the same heading as the track .
16 This contrast is used to explain why the Japanese are said to feel less class conscious than Westerners because vertical loyalties within companies , say , are more important than horizontal relations with other people who occupy the same position but who work for different companies .
17 And they always say the same things and you think , oh you told us that yesterday .
18 So for many of us , our preferences in particular cases pose the same puzzle as our more comprehensive rejection of the checkerboard solution as a general strategy for resolving differences over principle .
19 Do n't let it come across like that , the temptation is to think that you 've got to have all this bit up here , now you do n't want this up here because it 's very difficult to cope with once you 've tied it round to get it round the elbow , you want the least amount that you can get , just cover the arm and then it makes it much easier to deal with at the end .
20 ‘ But I just want the same character and fight we showed when we were 3-0 down to Chesterfield .
21 ‘ Friends who want the same place and the same wife , ’ the pretty girl replied .
22 That 's not so worrying , but I feel that I 've been successful in my own right and I would erm like to think I deserve the same recognition as we 've both set same standards over the last twelve months .
23 They deserve the same immortality as Dorothy Osborne 's tiresome old suitor or Madame de Sévigné 's boring Breton neighbours , but Elizabeth in her charity has spared them this .
24 As he put it , ‘ not until the habits of the rich are changed and they are again content to breathe the same air and walk the same streets as the poor will East London be ‘ saved ’ .
25 ‘ My companion and I merely walk the same path as you do . ’
26 To investigate this pattern , the researchers transferred fry in the study stream to 25 pairs and , sure enough , only fry the same size or smaller than the pairs ' own offspring were accepted into the fold , while larger fry were eaten or driven away .
27 and the ex-patriots receive the same services as Kuwaitis .
28 The Code sets out a timetable for takeovers and certain standards of conduct , in order that all shareholders receive the same information and time enough to act on that information .
29 Travelling abroad , in defiance of all customary diplomatic niceties , the Romanian couple began to demand that the First Deputy Prime Minister receive the same awards as her husband .
30 This means that not only must all shareholders of the same class receive the same offer but , for instance , if the offeror subsequently buys shares in the market at a higher price he must increase his offer generally to that higher price .
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