Example sentences of "[vb base] come [adv] with a " in BNC.

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1 Mm well maybe , I mean to come up with a , a clear example .
2 They 've come up with a solar-powered , infrared-pulsating , microchip bee backpack .
3 And they 've come up with a splendid route , over 80 miles of miles of deep valley walks , riverside and forest walks ending with a cliff top section at Filey .
4 Now I 'm going to talk to you later , meantime you go down to Level Five and stay there until you 've come up with a plan to infiltrate Finland .
5 ‘ We 've come up with a few names .
6 Well they 've come up with a lot of theories have n't they .
7 Now they 've come up with a guide aimed at bringing sufferers out of the shadows .
8 And obviously we 've come up with a plan which I hope that Didcot people would enjoy .
9 We 've put those together , we 've looked at the staff that we need to administer that particular level of activity , and we 've come out with a figure that we think is a reasonable estimate , in fact I would go so far as saying , we think this is the lowest estimate that we can safely put forward , as to our needs for the coming year .
10 Erm , the , all the arguments for and against organic dips have been considered this last nine months by the Veterinary Products Committee , and they 've come out with a report I think , that satisfies no one , because it does n't go either , either way in that respect at all , it 's called for more research and , and erm , development in that , in that sense .
11 Because they 've come out with a report saying what we 've been saying for the
12 time we 've come back with a need-to-be-paid is n't it ?
13 This is appropriate , for the story that the letters not so much tell as adumbrate comes through with a wistful fragrance that is very affecting if one reads slowly .
14 Supervised by a state functionary ( with a sqeaking shoe ) and led by an emotionally-chaotic project director , a group of architects struggle to come up with a high-rise building scheme that will destroy the ancient town 's character and , incidentally , clear away its slums .
15 ‘ Belgium have won all their four games so far and we need to come away with a share of the spoils . ’
16 Just need to come up with a brief
17 Insp Best said : ‘ I have come here with a very open mind but what I want to do is to develop the skills I have already and I am hoping it will give me more confidence .
18 PRIVATE nursing home owners have come forward with a rescue plan for a doomed old people 's home in a bid to save 21 pensioners from having to move .
19 By studying regions of the proteins the proteinase cuts , they have come up with a small molecule that can block this scissor action .
20 Recognising that a lot of women are taking to the hills , and that they may feel a little intimidated by such a male-orientated sport , especially since they all dress in the same fluffy things as us now , I have come up with a startling new innovation .
21 However , the authors of WFP have not thought the matter through and have come up with a set of proposals which will simply divert attention away from the real agenda which does exist for NHS capital accounting .
22 BIOTECHNOLOGISTS have come up with a surprising new way of repairing many scars and wrinkles — using purified cow-hide .
23 SCIENTISTS from the General Electric Company in New York have come up with a way of measuring how much charge is left in a lead-acid battery .
24 Recognising the problem , district councillors have come up with a much needed cash injection to ease the crisis .
25 It has to be said that , with this membrane idea , BOSS have come up with a brilliant way of programming the ME-10 .
26 JOHN Major and Norman Lamont have come up with a multi-billion pound recovery package for the economy — without consulting the Cabinet .
27 Cover Girl have come up with a computer to help you select the most flattering shade of make-up .
28 The Beatles/Stones/Kinks/Peters And Lee have come up with a real smasher this time
29 Recently the neurochemists have come up with a set of toxins which appear to be fairly effective in destroying only cell bodies , leaving axons intact ( Kohler et al .
30 Marr and his colleagues have come up with a simpler explanation which relies on the fact that there are two classes of ganglion cells , on-centre and off-centre .
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