Example sentences of "[vb base] get [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hell , I 've got two sons I 've got to put through school and I just … ’
2 And he said I 've got to put after dark .
3 We 've got to decide about Monday night .
4 That 's what we 've got to take into consideration .
5 Pan Books ' spokesman Martin Neild tells me : ‘ I would n't like to comment officially , because it 's so terribly difficult to tell — you 've got to take into account overseas sales , borrowings from foreign libraries and so on . ’
6 What you 've got to take into account is that , an all , there 's an awful lot of things that you get when your unemployed that stop when you find a job .
7 Oh and you 've got to take for Mrs fourteen pounds for the erm violin exam .
8 you 've got to go for size of the
9 You 've got to go cross country running today ?
10 I 've got to go into work tomorrow by the way .
11 Well they 've got to go into quarantine , and that 'll cost them wo n't he ?
12 They 've got to go into Europe and they 'll get involved in domestic cup competition .
13 Well , I 'll tell you one thing , Monday 's not gon na be wonderful for me , I 've got to go into hospital for a little operation er b but seriously , I 'll be out on Tuesday , but I 'll , I 'll be away for the week er , because the Doc said do n't come back to , to work till a week on Monday , so I 'll , I 'll try and listen if I can , but what have you got for us ?
14 All back together again yes , I 've got to go into hospital on erm well , tomorrow actually for erm another operation erm that 's to have a plate taken out of erm the collar bone which I broke in the middle of last season .
15 To get to Girran you 've got to go into Glasgow and get a train from Glasgow down to Girran you see ?
16 Well we 've got to go into town
17 Cos I said seeing as you 've got to go into town tomorrow
18 ‘ I 've got to go into registration , ’ said Jack quickly .
19 Right I 've got to go into Superdrug , I 've got to get some more hairspray
20 " What d'yer think , mate ? " he gasped : " They 've changed me round and I 've got to go into room four . "
21 we do it through a dealership , like if you want a Cortin if you want a Sierra you 've got to go to Cowlers or something you ca n't go to Ford
22 I said I 've got to go to bed .
23 All the same , if you 're just going to lie there keeping me awake , I 've got to go to sleep .
24 ABBERLEY : ( shouts ) : I 've got to go to sleep !
25 I 've got to go to Muriel
26 Well it 's go , you 've got to go to A G M like that .
27 I 've got to go to bingo with she one night bloody numbers .
28 So we 've got to go to Maggie 's or Kath 's and get some .
29 Carole 's picking me up , oh she 'll pick me , yeah , but we 've got to go to Epsom anyway so we 'll go pick up Carole 's car and
30 The the point Peter er is making is do n't make it out to us because if you if you give me a cheque to Worsley I 've got to go to Peter 's house and and then get him to give me a cheque and then I 've got to go to either Kerry or Bob and get them
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