Example sentences of "[vb base] their [noun pl] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The usual way of bolstering the value of the pound is to increase interest on the international scene : But this action invariably effects small business adversely : This makes their survival more difficult , because of increased costs and pressure from suppliers who want their bills for supplies paid quicker to minimise their own costs .
2 If you want their details for records then it is simpler to fill in the form yourself while conducting the interview rather than submit the candidates to the unnecessary stress of coping with a form .
3 Now I 'm aware that many parents bring their children for baptism from reasons of superstition or custom or anything you like I 'm reminded of a certain tax gatherer who , inspired by sheer idle curiosity , climbed a tree curiosity maybe took him up the tree but it was the grace of God that brought him down .
4 Then there are those who sell their wares for charity at zero gain to themselves .
5 He knows that in America child dealers kill each other in the playgrounds and thirteen-year-old girls sell their bodies for crack .
6 To quote the report , they live in caravans ‘ because they could not get other dwellings in the right places or on the right terms ; or because caravans meet their needs for cheapness , convenience or mobility ’ .
7 Finally , we will examine the reforms introduced in the Criminal Justice Act 1991 , and consider their prospects for success .
8 Because of the voluntarism of the Irish system of Industrial Relations workers must have trust , faith and hope that the bodies to which they refer their cases for adjudication will give them a fair crack of the whip .
9 McCallum assumes that firms set their prices for period t in the following way .
10 Sentence linguists follow one of two procedures : they either invent their examples for analysis , using their own intuitive knowledge as native speakers ( their linguistic competence ) as a yardstick , or they take language which people have actually used and remove all the features which they believe to be irrelevant to their purposes .
11 It highlights the inadequate support that the Health and Safety Executive er , gives and their failing to enforce current legislation or prosecute those who openly disregard their responsibilities for employee safety .
12 In the Castle Courtyard the Wood Turner and the Cooper produce their wares for kitchen and dairy and here also , the Clogmaker practises his craft
13 £444 Cost of two weeks in Majorca for a family of four as holiday firms slash their prices for summer '93
14 Narrow-winged , small and compact , they fly powerfully with rapid wing-beats , sometimes planing over the water like hydrofoils ; in hunting they dive and use their wings for propulsion under water , feeding mostly on plankton and small fish ( Nettleship and Birkhead , 1985 ) .
15 They demonstrate how they use their catapults for birds ; stage a frightening scuffle at the edge of the canyon , then pose for a photograph with great , old-fashioned dignity .
16 With prize money declining , he laments that most of the time jump jockeys risk their necks for £150 .
17 As explained by a senior officer in the neighbourhood unit for the whole of B Division , which includes dangerous areas in West and North Belfast , ‘ men risk their lives for community policing ’ in this area .
18 THERE is still something slightly absurd about the notion that 4,812,000 people cast their votes for Mr Dan Duffy .
19 This is because they often do not hear their kittens calling to them and they ignore their cries for attention .
20 The prudent ratio depends very much on how banks see their requirements for liquidity changing in the near future .
21 It is hoped that employees will as a result develop their abilities and enhance their opportunities for advancement within LASMO .
22 For example , unemployment figures generally rise in the winter months as industries such as construction and tourism reduce their demands for labour .
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