Example sentences of "[vb base] their [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 preface their statement with a question .
2 Eliot 's use of primitive ritual to reveal the horror of Sweeney 's existence relates to his connection of Conrad and James as writers who involve their audience in the apprehension of deepseated levels of evil .
3 They base their prognosis on the aggressive new product development and marketing that has been Cadbury 's hallmark in recent years .
4 Edwards and Rackages base their approach on the highly questionable premise that spectator violence is merely a playing out of tensions external to sport itself .
5 Guba and Lincoln base their approach upon the notion that , where stakeholder groups differ in their assessment of the effectiveness of their organizations , this is because of underlying differences in their value systems , which influence their assessment of the importance of different mixes of organizational outputs .
6 Tel ; ( 070 ) 510294 ) , base their operation on the Challenger I , a sleek , spacious 34m boat .
7 Typically organisations require employees to obtain two or three estimates and base their payment on the lowest one .
8 First , I accept that the inspectors ' production of an annual report and other reports on our schools is extremely valuable , as they base their advice on the inspections that they carry out .
9 Their choices follow : Lunn Poly 's marketing director Peter Rothwell observed that as a rule the staff in their 505 shops base their selling on the answers given by the customer in a questionnaire , to prevent mismatches between customers and the holidays they took , but he nevertheless felt safe in saying that two young couples , a bit adventurous , would do well if they invested in an ILG Drive Europe holiday along the west coast of France to Biarritz , good countryside and a nice old town , accommodation at the Mer et Golf apartments , two weeks in all with ferry and accommodation included for £255 each .
10 And although the majority of materialist philosophers base their belief in the neurophysiological theory of perception on arguments rather than observations , they are , nevertheless , greatly influenced by the apparent successes of neurophysiology .
11 Some place their emphasis upon the transcendent otherness of God and the traditional ‘ good ’ music which expresses it .
12 I thought Windows would allow printing to be carried out as a full background job , but I experience quite long delays while Word and Excel send their output to the Print Manager .
13 Editor , — David E Mutton and colleagues report their analysis of the national Down 's syndrome register for 1989–91 .
14 Expect his team to group around the yellow jersey , lots of nervousness and shoving in the peloton , while adventurous riders test their strength at the front .
15 Even so , employee mobility is diminishing , worldwide , as people realise their loyalty to an employer is not always a guarantee of job security , and quality of life takes a higher focus for many .
16 " Most people have an affection for trees and think they 're beautiful and necessary to the landscape and so on , but it 's important that we also realise their value as a national asset .
17 The students say their campaign against the decision will continue .
18 You know , she 'd say , they cook their cabbage in the same water as the bacon .
19 The object of the Bill is to help to clear the streets , and , for this purpose , to make it possible to charge prostitutes who ply their trade in the streets and to stiffen the penalties against them .
20 When a mackerel or a flying fish , for example , inadvertently grazes a tentacle , hundreds of nematocysts fire and inject their venom into the victim , which is quickly paralysed and killed .
21 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
22 Employees may regard their property in a high-priced area as a ‘ nest egg ’ for their retirement ( as they may plan to retire to a cheaper area of housing and fund their retirement with the sale proceeds ) or they may not wish to reduce their stake in the housing market .
23 And in Asturias 's Men of Maize , which deals with the expropriation of Indian communal lands for the commercial exploitation of maize , the Guatemalan Indians ' resistance to the destruction of their way of life is waged not only with arms , but also through the myths by which they preserve their concept of the world .
24 Why can not this Tory Government honour their pledge under the treaty to get rid of nuclear weapons , which will mean the withdrawal of Polaris — which is literally cracking up — and the saving of £10 billion on Trident , to be spent on the national health service to care for lives instead of threatening them with mass murder ?
25 Others lose their love through the separation of death or divorce and they grieve for the loss of the one who , to all intents and purposes , did share their everyday life and existence .
26 Many people , particularly night-workers , feel that they lose their appetite in the middle of the night .
27 In particular new potatoes should be bought in small amounts as they lose their freshness within a few days ; they should have a skin which feels damp to the touch and is easily removed by rubbing .
28 If they lose their hold on the rock or are swept away by the waves , they will assuredly drown .
29 Oxford lose their fizz in the Coca Cola Cup .
30 This is a branch of the law in which precedents lose their cogency through a change in social conditions , and in which analogies are frequently remote .
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