Example sentences of "[vb base] my [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since then there have been other men in her life but tonight , the plans I laid all those years ago reach fruition as I proudly introduce my partner for the evening .
2 I touch my pocket for the reassuring packet of Diocalm .
3 I switch on the fire and warm my hands for a bit .
4 As a youngster in the 1950s my greatest delight was to run on to the pitch at Murrayfield after the full-time whistle , pat my heroes on the back and not wash my hands for a week , much to the disgust of my mother .
5 At night , I hold my excuse for a pillow , and think about your face and your hair and your incredible eyes .
6 Please accept my apologies for the damage done to one of your photos .
7 Will my hon. Friend accept my thanks for the helpful way in which he dealt with my representations on this subject ?
8 TO ALL Telecom engineers , please accept my thanks for the effort and care you put into getting our phones back in order .
9 ‘ Please convey my thanks for the help your service station gave me . ’
10 Keep my products for the time being , will you ? ’
11 The client is encouraged , and initially assisted , in developing and carrying out strategies for testing thoughts and beliefs about what might happen , e.g. ‘ If I ask my boss for a raise he 'll sack me or bite my head off . ’ ,
12 ‘ … spare my life for the love of Heaven as I spared yours , ’ rejoined the girl , clinging to him .
13 Because I am — unlike Anya — neither amateur nor fool , I once again suppress my emotions for the sake of strategic advantage , and say not a word .
14 Sir , — I was relieved to read Mr Marshall 's letter ‘ Keep the audit , save the practice ’ , ( ACCOUNTANCY , January , p 6 ) because it tells me that there are others who share my fears for the small practitioner .
15 When I write my diary for the year my starter course at the Fermette Marboeuf will be at the top of my list of outstanding dishes .
16 ‘ Fisher ’ , he said , ‘ was my headmaster and he has known ail my deficiencies for a long time . ’
17 I 'm feeling real heavy and tired and my feet 's aching so I have a sit down on a wall and swing my legs for a bit .
18 At least the manager did n't pounce on me just because I shut my eyes for a few moments . ’
19 ‘ I shut my eyes for the second one , ’ joked MacDonald .
20 ‘ Tracey-Elaine , ’ I mouthed , ‘ cancel my appointments for the day . ’
21 ‘ The danger is that dad says after they 've passed their test , ‘ Take my BMW for a spin ’ , and away they go , ’ says chief examiner Ted Clements .
22 So I always take my flowers for the altar at the same time .
23 ‘ Will you be all right here if I go and stretch my legs for a while ? ’
24 But gradually I beat my craving for the drug . ’
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