Example sentences of "[vb base] about the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My right hon. Friend knows that Opposition parties constantly carp about the level of pensions in Britain .
2 Since many of the evangelicals shared Billy Graham 's opinions and valued his methods and saw the good which he did , his article stirred wrath among them and fear about the Bishop of Durham becoming the Archbishop of York .
3 Fear about the impact of Ecstasy on health is growing .
4 ‘ You who so often preach about the catholicity of the Anglican Church , and believe it too . ’
5 Doubts remain about the saga of four men who spent 118 days drifting atop their upturned trimaran after it had been flipped by a huge wave before being washed up on an island near Auckland .
6 It is expected to be operational with an office in Brussels early next year and although some doubts remain about the scope of the redefined Scotland Europa , the Council has agreed , in principle , to support the initiative .
7 ‘ If you mean about the girl in the car , she says there was no girl .
8 If you 've followed the plot so far , you 'll see what I mean about the conglomeration of bits and pieces from different instruments that have been amassed for this guitar .
9 No one fully understands the workings of these interlocking systems and we may forgive ourselves for having a sensation of something slipping through our fingers when we try to grasp them — but one thing is certain : the choices we make about the order of the information in discourse reveal our own assumptions about the world and about the people we are trying to communicate with .
10 They would sit out in their deckchairs in brilliant sunshine , surveying snow-covered range after magnificent snow-covered range , and while they took refreshment , take snapshots of one another , and chatter about the delights of a winter sports holiday in the Savoy Alps , the more energetic would be trudging up from below on seal skins or swooping by from above demonstrating their skill .
11 In their first scene together , where Fluellen begins with a feeling of respect for Pistol 's bravery at the bridge ( how obtained we know not ) , they dispute about the iconography of the goddess Fortune , Pistol in verse , Fluellen in prose , more coherently ( III.vi.20–60 ) .
12 At this point there is once again dispute about the nature of any agreements .
13 Accusations fly about the relevance of different forms of treatment , the value of colluding with the medical profession , the spectre of ‘ AIDS professionals ’ lining their nests , profiting from the miseries of others .
14 This section reviews the trends in income and income maintenance while the next section examines what these trends suggest about the position of families headed by Asian and Afro-Caribbean parents .
15 Secondly , in terms of theory , what does the specific case of accounting regulation suggest about the autonomy of the State , the interests it serves , the relationship between power and knowledge and the nature of professions in society .
16 He needs not to forget that there are demonic forces in the universe whatever people say about the existence of the devil .
17 ‘ I 've wondered about the implications of the placing of the head in the font , ’ Theodora said thoughtfully , ‘ and what you say about the possibility of its being a symbolic gesture .
18 So what you say about the rights of fathers is also about who is the ‘ real ’ father — the biological father or the man who cares for the child ?
19 And If what you say about the state of his finances is true then he 'd have every reason for faking his death to escape the music .
20 What does this document say about the issues at hand ?
21 Of course , intuitionists and emotivists disagree about the availability of ‘ rational intuition ’ ( guided by such principles as that of organic unities ) but so far as the relation between the merely factual and the ethical goes they are at one .
22 Do the people of Alabama disagree about the morality of racial discrimination ?
23 Scholars disagree about the need for such descriptions : photographs , some say , tell all the story .
24 Many disagree about the sequence of reforms .
25 I forget about the flash of white .
26 Many parents concentrate so hard on finding the cash for private school fees , they forget about the cost of higher education .
27 It is very stable , very comfortable ( forget about the layers of foam mat to pad the seat ) and sufficiently directionally stable to be a real pleasure on coastal trips .
28 He also presents us with a fairly strict unilineal theory of evolution , ( if we forget about the difference between the New and the Old Worlds ) .
29 ‘ There was such a hue and cry about the cost of the tiny Thunderbird figures that this time round the toy company has decided to scrap them , ’ said Huge Von of Leisureworld in Belfast .
30 The Iranian Majlis on Dec. 29 addressed a letter of congratulation to the FIS , and on Jan.1 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei denounced what he described as a " hue and cry about the trampling of democracy in Algeria … after the Algerian people said yes to Islam " .
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