Example sentences of "[vb base] he to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then bundle up your husband and boyfriend and send him to the woman whose name appears at the top of the list , you will receive 16,337 men — and one of them is bound to be a hell of a lot better than the one you already have .
2 If necessary , take him shopping with you , or better still , send him to the supermarket alone so that he realises the cost of basic necessities .
3 ‘ I went to the front of the house and saw the dogs catch up with him and knock him to the ground .
4 Her next whimpered , broken words cut him to the heart .
5 I disagreed with much of what he had to say , but I welcome him to the House from this Bench and look forward to debating these issues with him on many occasions .
6 ‘ He 's got party tricks like shaking hands , and when we walk him to the shops on a lead he loves being cuddled by children and old people .
7 But against this Vernon warned Hunsdon that the great elevation of the Lord Chamberlain 's position would arouse jealousy , involve heavy expenses , tie him to the court , and expose him to disgrace for any errors that he might commit .
8 She would n't help him ; he was weak and unsteady , but she would n't take his arm or guide him to the bed .
9 Get him to the phone , darling . ’
10 Get him to the phone now . ’
11 ‘ Please get him to the phone now . ’
12 The sooner you get him to the vet , the better .
13 I refer him to a pamphlet that was published in the mid-1980s by an obscure group of Back-Bench MPs called the No Turning Back group .
14 Ernie , who was employed by him , would go up on a Sun day to feed his stock and unbeknown to Dick Gooding would bring the old mule back with him , hitch him to the hand cart and pull it over to Birling Bank , this went on for some time and poor old Dick knew nothing of these goings on .
15 Nor did any intuition , any extra sense , alert him to the fact that part of the case he was quietly and imperceptibly building up inside him was going up in smoke .
16 The soldiers of Judas betrayed him , the soldiers arrested him , th the the the scenario works out , it all unfolds they nail him to a cross .
17 If the Minister does not know the details , I direct him to the NFU survey on the Borders .
18 They would also mingle with unwary humans for spite , selling jewellery and magic cloth at the village fete — when the purchaser leant to pick up the item , the fee would twist his arm and fling him to the ground .
19 Dem drag him to de police van
20 Then when he 'd softened him up he would take him up to the sale and introduce him to the dealer he was touting for — on commission , of course .
21 He eventually let go of me and I had to go the bottom of the baths and bring him to the surface , take him to the side and get him breathing again , and I was considered a failure for that .
22 ‘ We 'll have to snap him out of it and keep him to the exercises or he 'll ruin himself . ’
23 Yeah , he was in agony there , so any way carry him to the toilet , sat him on the toilet and sort of sat there with him a bit trying to make him go a wee , cos I thought perhaps he full bladder and could n't
24 From the corner of her eye she saw the security guards wrestle him to the ground .
25 14–5–1844 " The Session considering that James Gibson , under process for the crime of fornication , ( with Ann Darroch ) , has submitted to the discipline of the Church , appeared publically and been rebuked before the congregation , and hoping from the professions he now makes , as well as the readiness with which he submitted to discipline , that he is penitent , do now absolve him from censure and admit him to the enjoyment of privileges . "
26 The plan was simple : run up , jump on to Kong 's back , pull him off the fallen Godzilla , throw him to the ground and then — well , we were n't sure what to do then , but we would think of something .
27 I saw the creature jump at Sir Henry and throw him to the ground .
28 I could discuss my plans for my proposed exploration of the Danakil country with him , take him to a meeting of the Raleigh Club or to Elsfield to have tea with John Buchan .
29 Take him to a dog 's home , shoot him ?
30 ‘ Nick , take him to the airport , give him what you can . ’
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