Example sentences of "[vb base] he as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ronny is wanted by 6 or 7 norw. clubs — some want him as a central defender , some as central midfielder , some as a wide midfielder and some as an attacker .
2 His friends hail him as the last great artist of the 20th century .
3 Hoxton was thriving with small businesses , and Benjamin was showing the first signs of a schizophrenic uncertainty about what his official professional title should be : the commercial directories for 1853 list him as a General Salesman , while Henry Joseph 's birth certificate plays safe with ‘ Silversmith ’ .
4 Ian Snodin 1.1 EVERTON ( Telegraph class him as a full back ? ! )
5 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
6 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
7 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
8 Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who did n't mix much .
9 Those who knew him describe him as a typical Oxford don , courteous , charming , an unassuming man to whom fame came very late .
10 All accounts of Six describe him as a competent yet modest and unassuming man of great integrity , and a devout Christian .
11 Most people neither know nor care about tensions and conflicts within minorities , so when a recognisable spokesman ( and it is always a man ) emerges , they unquestioningly accept him as a legitimate representative .
12 Share My Lettuce boasts an original if rather undernourished droll in Kenneth Williams ( remember him as the alarming brat in The Buccaneer ?
13 They portray him as a confused mixture of honesty and cantankerousness : a big heart governed by a stroppy mind .
14 I am grateful for the hon. Gentleman 's support for Mr. Norman Warner , whose appointment will be widely welcomed by those who know him as an independent-minded and good man .
15 Thank you friends , we all know him as the one million pound councillor .
16 Many know him as the British jazz singer , but he is equally respected for his brilliance as a film and tv critic , modern art expert , writer and fisherman .
17 All accounts , for example , depict him as a learned man — which was , one must remember , unusual in those largely illiterate times , when education was essentially an adjunct of class .
18 Does the Secretary of State dismiss him as a dismal Jimmy , or does he agree with me that Mr. Watkin knows what he is talking about ?
19 People embrace him as an all-conquering hero , but they miss out the fact that a lot of native Americans were butchered along the way before old Whitey took over the country .
20 She had misunderstood the subtleties of their relationship and cast him as an ineffectual married man , always complaining of his wife , always on the chat-up , but never getting any further than that .
21 Yeah do him as an old hedgehog .
22 Vincent once tried to persuade him to give up his safe career and join him as a fellow painter — like other famous brothers in art history .
23 Many of his views categorize him as a wet — a European enthusiast ; against capital punishment ; and in favour of sensible abortion laws .
24 Some Burmese regard him as a future Buddha .
25 In view of the fact that , like you , I regard him as a fluent liar and consummate actor , I think not .
26 In the second camp are those who regard him as a true philosopher , however provocative his manner , who is restating traditional philosophical problems in a new way .
27 However , it is because Leavis provided a purpose for English that most people regard him as the central figure .
28 It may see a man as it would a stallion , and regard him as the Big Boss .
29 Whether working in watercolours or oils we see him as a real painter 's painter , a technical wizard , but not a great imaginative talent .
30 I thought he played well against England last week and I see him as a valuable member of our squad . ’
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