Example sentences of "[vb base] he was [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To come back to Jonathan for a moment , you say he was a great liberal , he was an admirer of Lloyd George ?
2 I heard one of the constables say he was a tip-top detective from London . ’
3 Bran the Blessed — some say he was a Celtic God , some a virtuous king — is really responsible for the legend of the ravens .
4 They say he was a big boy do n't they ?
5 ‘ Sometimes he 'd cry about this , ’ she recalls , ‘ and say he was an awful nuisance to me .
6 For all we know he was a complete stranger . ’
7 How many know he was a prominent contributor to this magazine ?
8 You know he was an outdoor man .
9 ‘ I liked him ’ , one daughter summed up a grandfather who had been orphaned in the Irish potato famine : ‘ he was an old man , and I was only nine when he died , but as our father was at the [ First World ] War , I suppose he was the only man in the house .
10 I believe he was a real bachelor with a ravishing mistress tucked away .
11 I believe he was the Wandering Jew , doomed to live forever .
12 They reckon he was a big boy though do n't they ?
13 We read the , read the agreements differently to what they did but he 'd lean towards the drivers , conductors and he gave away a lot of what had tried to erm stop them from having because they were n't really entitled to it but he saw differently and gave it away and course once you 've given it away you , no way of retracting it , but then came in and , well , I mean he was a real transport man , his , his vision and his ideas were really good and he made it what it is today .
14 I mean he was a super chap , really lovely chap , ever so nice .
15 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
16 That 's what they reckon they used to do but he , I mean he was an old Jew , he was but he was , he was to the Germans .
17 I still think he was a good investment , BUT if he does n't get 20+ Premiership goals this year I 'll be disappointed ( unless he gets the winner in the FA cup final on bags a few vs Scum ! ! )
18 I think he was a good-natured but very unintelligent boy .
19 It was funny , actually it was on that one , I think he was a little bit erm sexually-orientated more than average this gentleman , cos he 'd got the four poster bed .
20 Alfonso I think he was the guilty one really .
21 I think he was an Aberdonian really the way he spoke anyway but he 'd been brought up in Blair Gowrie .
22 And yes I I agree he was a good contact to have but he ai n't here any more .
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