Example sentences of "[vb base] he [modal v] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I expect he 'll bounce a few off him . ’
2 ‘ I expect he will stay a little longer , ’ continued Sister .
3 While he is not a charismatic figure , his supporters say he would prove a worthy defender of the rights of backbenchers against increasing government power .
4 They 've criticised the headmaster , and say he should impose a complete ban on cigarettes.Mike Rowbottom reports .
5 They say he could have a future when he 's finished his studies . "
6 Darwin if he read this book would scarcely recognize his own original theory in it , though I hope he would like the way I put it .
7 I hope he 'll give the nod to the ones I 've suggested to you .
8 I hope he 'll have a nice Christmas .
9 Once a month , a gardener comes in to do the heavy work for me , and I hope he 'll dig the new pond .
10 ‘ He looks fitter , sleeker , and better , ’ Robson said , ‘ and we just hope he can score a goal for us from the wing .
11 I hope he can find a good surgeon before the final …
12 I hope he will sign a new contract because I believe he is probably the best target man in Britain .
13 HE has already won novice chases at Cheltenham and Bangor and we hope he will win a few more , although he could n't cope with Barton Bank at Worcester recently .
14 They hope he will lift their economy out of recession , hope he will heal the racial disharmony and end the violence in their cities , hope he will keep their country the sole superpower in a fast-changing world .
15 You know he 's around and you know he 'll find a way to get open . ’
16 ‘ With a player like David , you know he 'll have a quiet spell , and then hit a hat-trick , ’ he says .
17 ‘ It might not happen for Andrew for two or three years , but I know he will get a chance if he is good enough .
18 Well it 's a very very competitive race I I I suppose he may have the best chance but there are an awful lot with good chances .
19 Friends believe he may take the post rather than wait for a by-election to resume his career .
20 Sir Patrick 's friends believe he will have no difficulty in winning respect and confidence from all sides as his predecessor , Mr Peter Brooke , managed to do .
21 Most of Mr Clarke 's colleagues reckon he will follow a cautious macroeconomic policy rather like Mr Lamont 's .
22 Sir Donald Wilson , the authority 's chairman , said : ‘ We feel he will set a good example to the region . ’
23 ‘ Fintan is a clever , sharp player and I feel he will have a much greater influence at Breifne Park , ’ states Carroll , ‘ Besides , we expect to have even bigger support there and that should be an additional bonus . ’
24 ‘ I feel he should have the chance to sort things out with the Accounts Commission before we discuss anything . ’
25 He said show me how to carve , actually I bet he 'd make a good chef
26 ‘ I 'm sure he does , but I doubt he could protect a miniature poodle , ’ Martin commented , thinking how very vulnerable she was in this big house with only old Clyde to look after her .
27 Of such an election , and its conduct , I trust he will give a report next year .
28 Mr Paine , I feel sure , will be a candidate for some award or other and I trust he will remember the couple whose bravery obviously far exceeded that called for in the normal course of duty .
29 I think he might get a bit of a a a a bit of a reaction from one or two of these people , do n't you ?
30 I think he might write a book about it one day . ’
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