Example sentences of "[vb base] he [be] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 He 's so quiet now you forget he 's in the house .
2 I hope he 's in the club and everything , they all try and out do each other .
3 In a Welsh farm family the grandmother was bedridden , and child-care fell to the grandfather : ‘ cause he was in the house , he was the one that looked after me and kept me in order . ’
4 I suspect he was in the Tower not because he could count the days but was privy to secrets which could rock thrones and topple crowns ! ’
5 I remember him being in a pub a while back and a woman saying to him , What 's your wife going to do ?
6 ‘ I know he 's in the Castle of Zenda — but where ? ’
7 I know he was in the theatre .
8 He was just like he was in the very early days ; he asked us to come out to his house and have dinner .
9 Will Hodge keep his place ( I assume he was in the line-up for the Sunderland match ) ?
10 ‘ I understand he 's in the States at the moment .
11 My son has only just reached his majority , and I understand he is in no immediate financial need .
12 Oh yeah I suppose he was in the sort of
13 ‘ I believe he 's in the village — with his wife and his daughter and his granddaughter .
14 Many believe he is in an enviable position of having to choose between the city giants .
15 I believe he was in a very good mood .
16 Dr Williams has also taken his campaign to the Kennel Club , and I feel he is in no small way responsible for having persuaded that eminent body to tighten up its act .
17 And another I noticed erm Simon 's been bringing a few of his friends home from school and erm I mean he 's in a class of thirty eight
18 I mean he 's in the auction when he should be with them writing the labels .
19 Because I think he 's in a room above you , but two or three times she heard er the wireless that er someone
20 I think he was in a hurry and was cross about being stopped , ’ said an eyewitness .
21 I think he was in a munitions factory somewhere near Baghdad and the stress had certainly precipitated quite a serious heart condition and that was under a relatively peaceful situation , so if there was any sign of war out there that would obviously be tenfold .
22 ‘ I can check the report but I think he was in the pub at Goldsithney until ninish then he went home . ’
23 He has no intellect and does not improve a bit : I wish he was in the army ’ .
24 And er he went round and I do n't know I never heard him playing the fiddle , but they said he was very good at fiddling , but he was a grand one for old stories , , and er he was just doing farms here and there so Then eventually he turned so old he 'd only one dog and then er he died down at the D At a place called the Doonie And this man D Duncan , he had just an er one of the er I think one of the tramps from Blair Gowrie was working to him and he came up and told my father and my father went down to see about him , you see him being in the parish council .
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