Example sentences of "[vb base] to [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Spray it and jump to the next ledge and grab the extra life .
2 Pupils follow either the ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ road until they get to the next question .
3 Get to the next stanchion .
4 By allowing the experiments you get to the next stage .
5 Firstly the idea that parasites will cooperate with hosts to the extent that their genes pass to the next generation in the same reproductive cells as the genes of the hosts — squeezing through the same bottleneck .
6 Talk to the next person but really you 're talking to there say and they do it back to you , but erm Oh so he did n't , he wo n't be going again then ?
7 I turn to the next document on the tag and suddenly I am in a quite different and entirely familiar landscape of calm , double-spaced , wide-margined , cleanly typed Government A4 .
8 I turn to the next document on the tag .
9 : It was decided to investigate each parameter in succession , i.e. to investigate one , find the optimum , set this as the default , and then turn to the next parameter .
10 Now the consequence of the fact that the dollar end of June er relatively strong at around one sixty of course did impinge on er our er borrowings since we do have a considerable percentage of our gross in dollar terms and if we turn to the next slide er we can see er the summary of the balance sheet at thirtieth of June .
11 Let's bear them in mind while we turn to the next step in choosing .
12 To add additional SPRs , proceed to the next page , by pressing the TAB key .
13 Programmed instruction allows the learner to set his own pace , and proceed to the next block of work only when the previous block has been fully mastered .
14 Go to the next bed , Miguel .
15 Often a tape is purchased , with the hypnotist 's voice making new suggestions such as ‘ you will be relaxed at the start of your next race ’ , or ‘ when you reach the half-way point in the race , you will find new energy ’ or ‘ when you go to the next committee meeting , you will not feel dominated by the others , but will feel free to express your views without fear ’ : the applications of this technique are endless .
16 We 've just got this one paragraph , before we go to the next sub-heading erm , then we 'll close there shall we ?
17 PAMELA : [ alone ] After what has passed I must leave this house and go to the next town and wait for an opportunity to get home to my parents .
18 I go to the next off-licence along , where the guy 's nose is still okay Now Meadowbrook started making with the Shakespeare .
19 Now move to the next point and join it up to every other point and so on until your pattern is complete .
20 If you are not yet sure of your reply you should clear both fields and TAB to the next task mail message or leave the option .
21 I would hope that by the time we come to the next assembly where there is going to be that there will be an opportunity for the churches , er , at home here to take part in preparing for the next assembly .
22 You know , very often when you go from one country to another you go through an area of re , what is called no man 's land , you come through from one frontier and then you 've got a distance and you come to the next frontier that does n't exist as far as accepting or rejecting Christ is concerned .
23 Its appearance in Anselm 's later letters will require further discussion when we come to the next phase in Anselm 's life .
24 Once the operation is complete you now come to the next stage — and this depends on whether or not the same nets are to be used again that night .
25 Yet when I awake to the next day and my leaden legs , the flat is dark with disrepair — the light in the fridge has gone out , the milk is off .
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