Example sentences of "[vb base] the same [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 If you lose the same amount of money for a second year you 're down to a position where one small slip would take the business into insolvency .
2 This section is concerned with the introduction and application of certain particularly useful types of equivalent circuit that display the same form of linear small-signal response as any nonlinear four-terminal network .
3 Flagstad gave the songs their première , so it 's intriguing to hear her successor bring the same kind of broad sweep , sincerity of purpose and rewarding breath-control to them .
4 To my great surprise , I found that in all types of managerial organization in many different countries over 35 years , people in roles at the same time span experience the same weight of responsibility and declare the same level of pay to be fair , regardless of their occupation or actual pay .
5 and outside the porches , to light their number up outside their house , erm people do n't seem to have erm , really changed their ideas very much , we still sell the same type of fitting to people , er the one that goes over the garage doors , on the corner of the , of the house wall , er lanterns er outside the front door with coloured glass in them er things that have been going for
6 But when such people are exposed to a high-fat Western diet , they develop the same type of preferences as Westerners .
7 The court has before it two appeals which raise the same point of law , that is to say , can a child who is born alive , but suffering from disabilities occasioned by negligence on the part of the proposed defendant at a time when the child was en ventre sa mère and unborn , maintain an action for damages for negligence against the defendant .
8 The way we have chosen the symbols T and S also means , conveniently , that trajectories threading their way through the top face of the box B according to some sequence of Ts and Ss , make the same sequence of passes through the tubes , T and S.
9 Integrity becomes a political ideal when we make the same demand of the state or community taken to be a moral agent , when we insist that the state act on a single , coherent set of principles even when its citizens are divided about what the right principles of justice and fairness really are .
10 To satisfy their interests they too need to know more , and in the meantime suffer the same sense of incompleteness .
11 One was a hunt for witches , the other for Communists , but they involve the same function of the human mind .
12 These invaluable references can save you pounds on technical reference guides and provide the same level of accurate information as a book , only the text is at your fingertips .
13 Always provide the same kind of plant as that on which the eggs were laid .
14 of the defence budget and that no other known system could be so cost effective but still provide the same degree of security ?
15 If you or one of your sons incline to continue that business you may , I believe , send the same number of boxes here , that you used to send to England ; because England will then send here , for what it wants in that way .
16 Users rightly expect the same standard of packaging as is found with other resources such as books and audiovisual material .
17 Furthermore , we would expect any doctor , not just our own , to behave in the ‘ proper ’ manner , in the same way that we expect the same sort of behaviour from all shop assistants , or all priests , or all fathers .
18 But when you explore the same region of the visual field with a moving spot you get a result that you could not have predicted from the responses with stationary spots .
19 Uranus and Neptune occupy the same degree of your sign on February 2 and October 24 and , although these periods may coincide with an awakening of sorts , you are bound to experience some sense of unreality .
20 The size of the type itself varies enormously , 12 point Bookman looks much bigger than 12 point times even though they both occupy the same amount of space vertically on the page .
21 a font in which all characters occupy the same amount of horizontal width regardless of the character .
22 ‘ Yes , but nomes say the same sort of things , Thing .
23 The one complication is that all Windows applications place the same sort of minimum demands on a machine and so if you want to work in a Windows environment you will have to add the extra requirements to machine fit to run Windows .
24 Although Landsats 4 and 5 have a lower orbital altitude ( 705 km ) than Landsats 1–3 , their orbits cover the same proportion of the Earth 's surface — that between 82°N and S latitude .
25 The three Gospels cover the same course of the life and work of Jesus .
26 They cover the same period of history and yet talk about it in completely different ways .
27 You use the same kind of glass , you put the same amount of ice in each glass and you leave them both in the same place ( so that they are both at the same temperature ) .
28 Seeking to ensure that people are seen to live in pleasant , ordinary homes , are seen to drive in ordinary vehicles ( not Sunshine buses , for example ) , go on ordinary holidays ( not with large groups of other people who also have handicaps ) , wear attractive clothes , have attractive hairstyles , receive the same kind of support services as other people , and now , with social role valorisation ( Wolfensberger , 1983 ) be seen to have appropriate , valued roles in society ; seeking all this begins to sound dangerously close to a marketing strategy .
29 Thatcher 's legacy has forced the poverty lobby onto the defensive as it fights to simply to maintain child benefit , to restore benefits to 16- and 17-year olds , or to ensure that 18- to 24-year-olds receive the same rate of income support as over 25-year-olds .
30 All Distribution Services staff had taken the Quality in action workshop training by the end of their drive to TQM — and to make sure they speak the same language of improvement — we 're now presenting the QiA workshop to them , too .
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