Example sentences of "[vb base] be [verb] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The next thing I remember is coming to on the canal bank , and a man bending over me asking if I was all right .
2 You 'll see that we have attached a diagram er which shows the location of the traffic counts that Mr I think is referring to in table two .
3 Said a lot of things I 've been meaning to for a long time . ’
4 For the last six months the momentum has grown we 've been lectured to by ex-leaders of the Party by ex-parliamentary stars by Give-us-a-Meal Roy by budding prima donnas by the wagon-load , telling us how we should be gagged !
5 SOMETIMES I FEEL THAT I 've been sung to by Smokey Robinson for my whole life .
6 So what I 'm really asking for is full democracy and not the rather closed democracy that we 've been used to in this country er for too long .
7 Increasingly , as we 've been studying the problems of developing countries , two major changes have been occurring ; one in our own thinking that in many ways problems of developing countries are linked in extricably with things that are going on in Britain or Europe or other parts of the so-called industrial world , and secondly that as we 've been studying developing countries , we 've been finding that more and more problems in Britain and other industrial countries begin to look like some of the same problems that we 've been used to in developing countries .
8 We have been preached to by film stars and eastern gurus ; by so called fitness experts and by celebrities who want to tell us how to maintain youthful looks .
9 The top personnel in these enterprises have been referred to as a state bourgeoisie. we can , therefore , identify three fractions : domestic capitalists ; managers of multinationals and top administrators of public enterprises .
10 Strictly speaking , collocations represent syntagmatic and paradigmatic knowledge rather than semantic , but it is argued that they represent the implicit application of syntactic , semantic and pragmatic knowledge [ Sharman , 1990 ] , and for reasons of simplicity have been referred to as a source of semantic information .
11 Some examples of biological control have been referred to in section 4.4.3 in relation to Australia and in many instances it is clear that the introduction of alien species has proved ecologically disastrous .
12 We could have created a fairer system without incidentally , the problems that have been referred to in earlier debates of trying to redraw boundaries at such short notice er before the European elections .
13 Many , probably most , submitted schemes have little or no conservation implications but the attitude of the Committee to agricultural development schemes may be a factor explaining why extremely few schemes have been objected to by the NPA .
14 Another situation creating uncertainty as to party status is where reservations have been made to a treaty which have been objected to by some States but not by others .
15 The standard set of Spectrum keys have been added to in an intelligent way too .
16 The fissures between the employers ( large and small ) , the self-employed , and the rentiers , and between these categories and the ‘ salariat ’ of employed professional , managerial and technical workers , have been added to by the fissure between the private sector business salariat and the more newly expanding public sector salariat , so that the notion of the ‘ middle class ’ has virtually reached bursting point .
17 The proposals have been agreed to with the co-operation of the police and Middlesbrough Cycling Group .
18 If the Government sanction all the deals on gas burn that have been agreed to in principle , we will witness the transfer of 40 per cent .
19 It has not listened on a whole series of points , even though I am very grateful that amendments have been agreed to in the course of our debate this evening .
20 In some areas the new standard might differ markedly from that we have been used to in Britain .
21 Environmental concerns have been responded to by embarking on a halon replacement programme and developing a range of ‘ environmentally friendly ’ alternatives to these ozone depletant systems .
22 Recognition of that and an agreement to forego the linguistic tricks and the cheap jibes would help convince all sides that their arguments have been listened to with respect .
23 And it is well known that children who have been read to in their preschool years have a general advantage when the learning of reading begins .
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