Example sentences of "[vb base] do [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a general rule data users should give as much information as possible to data subjects about what they propose to do with the data and must on no account mislead them .
2 I shall plan out what I propose to do on the farm for the next three years , season by season , and we 'll look for a ploughman to help with your new venture .
3 So the time for meals should be determined by when people get up , when they go to bed and other things that they want to do during the day . ’
4 Anything else Now , just before we all er disappear , can I just quickly check what we want to do about the departure .
5 The majority of potential users of desktop publishing systems have a definite idea of what they want to do with the system ; publish a newsletter , produce catalogues , spruce up company reports , etc .
6 Well you follow up what you want to do with the company when you 've thought about what I 've said to you
7 For anyone seriously looking at the desktop publishing market it is vital that you have a clear understanding of what you want to do with the technology , regardless of the actual hardware or software .
8 A horse 's degree of tolerance , or passivity , as opposed to impatience and irritability , will be very important in relation to what we want to do with the horse .
9 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
10 You would n't let me turn the telly on which is what most people want to do on a Saturday evening , off
11 The erm he said soon they want to do for the room in the porch there .
12 Contrary to popular belief , you do not have to know what you want to do for the Careers Service to be able to help you .
13 It is published by the Law Society and lists all firms and organisations employing trainee solicitors by region and by specialism so you can find the firm offering the kind of work you want to do in the area you want to live .
14 Now what you want to do in the privacy of your own home in terms of art is one thing , but if I 'm using public money I really need to be able to justify it .
15 Have they got any ideas about what they want to do in the future ?
16 In addition what we 're actually doing is we 're building in this new fin financial planning guide which gives you the opportunity to just look at where you are just now and where you want to do in the future .
17 Yeah must be really good the thing that I really want to do in the Christmas holiday is go-carting
18 They may need to reorganize because of demography — that 's the number of pupils that are in a particular area , where you 've got too many schools , or it may be that they want to change the type of offer , such as some of us want to do in the City of Oxford .
19 Many people make do with a cup of coffee which , although it may taste good , does little to support you until lunchtime .
20 We make do with the dole and Ellie 's going in with a friend who 's just started a café which 'll help with the food .
21 If there are no ceiling outlets , make do with the kind of floor lamps that have adjustable spots or , if there are wall points , get wall-mounted spots .
22 Increase her painkillers to a dangerous level , make do with the district nurses and hope she does n't fall again , which is , in fact , her best chance to get back in hospital !
23 If this work is bring done by the government or by outside agencies , it is arguable that the Commons should know what information has been collected and , if no work is being done , members should be in a position to insist that this be remedied .
24 ‘ Go on , ’ I urged in completion , ‘ get done by a vic . ’
25 Yeah I ai n't , I ai n't done any work here rea really since , you know done up the place .
26 ‘ Trouble Fish ’ , with its strutting Stray Cat bass riff , sees the student body collapsing on to their bums , feet airborne for the traditional anti-gravity dance bit : char hit ‘ Veronica ’ , where Niall gets to show off his ability on the mouth organ , sets every man-jack scruffy co-ed in the house moshing like fury , which they continue to do through the Tim Curry vocals of ‘ Teenage Vampire ’ and the rollicking romps of ‘ Stupid Kid ’ , ‘ I Am I Said ’ and ‘ No More Nonsense From Sidney ’ .
27 This is what I try to do in the Library , and I 've had very good feedback from outside users .
28 Finally , there are those subjects — like English , history and philosophy — which provide critical intellectual training of a kind that will prove invaluable , whatever you choose to do with the rest of your life .
29 There is talk of setting up a ‘ proud to be perverted ’ pressure group along the lines of Act Up ) , ( perhaps they should call it Strapped Up ) , which will campaign around the issue of consent , the idea that whatever two adults agree to do in the privacy of their own homes is no concern of the courts .
30 And finally thank you to anybody else who know me for whatever they 've done during the year thank you .
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