Example sentences of "[vb base] on the [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 The strata are now much folded and appear on the surface as a series of concentric circles .
2 For more evidence that addictions have something in common in the way they act on the brain as a whole , no matter which pathways they stimulate , look at the pictures on this page .
3 The programmed is likely to displace some 15,000 Auyu tribal people , most of whom depend on the forest as hunter-gatherers or rubber tappers .
4 Uniformity is established when certain atmospheric , terrestrial , and any other factors discussed [ above ] are co-operating , and appears either because a certain , defined economy makes its impress on the community as a whole , or because a number of different growth-forms are combined to form a single aggregate which has a definite and constant guise .
5 He says such things as that ‘ the question is not one of explaining a language-game by means of our experiences , but of noting a language-game ’ ; ‘ Look on the language-game as the primary thing .
6 The plotting routines available in most statistical packages are still rather crude , especially those which rely on the line-printer as their printing device ; plots on machines designed for text mean that the resolution ( i.e. number of subdivisions possible on either the horizontal or vertical axis ) is usually poor ; many values that are in fact different can end up being plotted on the same point .
7 If you are taking the patient out frequently , and rely on the car as his necessary transport , you should qualify for a disabled permit to park in restricted areas .
8 The Hastings Beds emerge on the coast as a broken line of cliffs east of Hastings to Cliff End .
9 Three family members sit on the board as non-executive directors .
10 Most of the chimpanzees stay on the ground as spectators .
11 I thrive on the role as extra pressure brings out the best out in me .
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