Example sentences of "[vb base] with [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She 'll go and talk to people , sort things out for herself , say with the Social or something .
2 Old faces mix with the new but all have something to say .
3 The new situation presented all the leaders of nationalist [ sic ] protest with a large and looming problem — how to harness the energies and enthusiasm of the people in a disciplined manner .
4 Public health doctors are more likely to influence public health if they collaborate with the million or so people employed in the health service .
5 We begin with a brief and necessarily incomplete review of UK statistics ; the general provisions are typical of what is available in countries of the Western world .
6 Soils begin with the mechanical and chemical destruction of bedrock .
7 Usually , all rules begin with the same or nearly equal weights .
8 The wearing of Highland dress , the speaking of Erse , the weather — ; his observations begin with the commonplace and are taken by his mind up on to the plateau of thought .
9 And well most people manage with a hundred and fifty thousand pounds one way another .
10 Finn 's Hotel will enable us for the first time to approach the encyclopedic Finnegans Wake with a true and not misleading knowledge of its origins and of the prototypes of its protagonists .
11 And certainly those treatises which deal with the spiritual and physical advantages of hearing the Mass ( which ranged from not ageing during the period of the Mass to its efficacy in promoting work or journeys ) stress the belief in the power of the sacrament to affect all aspects of life .
12 Comprehensive statutes deal with the direct and indirect taxation of individuals and companies .
13 Where these signs are not obvious , subtler discriminations can be made : Quebecois who refuse to understand anglophones who talk in a Canadian accent , will respond to anglophones who talk with a British or US intonation , as Flemings who claim not to understand French spoken with a Belgian accent , understand French French .
14 We have taken all reasonable and proper steps to ensure that proper arrangements have been made for all the holidays which are advertised in this brochure and for excursions as described above and that the suppliers of the various services which will be provided to you as part of the inclusive holiday are efficient , safe and reputable businesses , and that they comply with the local and national laws and regulations of the country in which they provide those services .
15 The rules of criminal law always end with an undefined and indefinable ‘ unless … ’ clause .
16 So I live with a constant and uncomely reminder of folly and failure , and no doubt it does me good .
17 ‘ We start with the Swiss and we are ready .
18 When you plan your programme , start with the social and personal free time for shopping or relaxation that the participants ought to have to encourage their brains to work during the meaty sessions .
19 In order to do so , given the stage that the Bill has reached , it would be risky to start seeking to extend its scope or coverage , play with the long or short titles or introduce new sectors in the Bill , for whatever reason .
20 The PT1500 and 3500 systems come with a 15 or 35 gpd rated TFC membrane in either a two or three pod configuration .
21 Solos come with an elasticated and drawcord waist , cut to length legs , two side pockets and a zipped rear pocket , and a baggy cut which allows you to climb , scramble and walk without restriction .
22 Work with the poor and the oppressed is a marginal activity .
23 ‘ That is what makes them different from other student movements , since they work with the oppressed and underprivileged , making them more aware of their role and situation in society and helping them to realise the need to organise themselves and to start doing the work by themselves . ’
24 The White Knights Ball , in aid of the Order of Malta Volunteers , who work with the sick and handicapped , is held annually at Grosvenor House .
25 ‘ I 'm quite prepared to take a big reduction in salary while we experiment with an 18 or 16-club Premier League .
26 The aim of this project is therefore to undertake a comparison of South Africa 's labour legislation with the ILO standards in order to ascertain the degree to which the former conform with the latter and provide a comprehensive historical resource base .
27 Mediaeval literature has frequent references to insanity , in sermons and saints ' lives , where holy men struggle with the insane and usually cure them , by the power of God , or where the violent against Christians ultimately become mad ; in homiletic literature , where the figures of Nebuchadnezzar and Herod present fearful lessons ; and in Arthurian romances , where Tristram and Lancelot are interesting figures to the modern psychologist .
28 The rest of this chapter will constitute an attempt to explain by means of this hypothesis the various uses of these two forms where they both occur with the same or similar full verbs .
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