Example sentences of "[vb base] you [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from that , how d' ya get on with Julie ?
2 How d' ya get on at nursery ?
3 How d' ya get on at the dentist ?
4 ‘ If you 're tired , Miss Lea , I suggest you catch up on some sleep when you go back to the hotel .
5 ‘ Then I suggest you get back to the mill as soon as possible , before anyone notices that you 're missing . ’
6 We suggest you go on to Patagonia .
7 I suggest you go back to him . ’
8 They suggest you take off from Laville base outside Brest . ’
9 ‘ Well , I suggest you give up about the beginning of September .
10 ‘ Then I suggest you hop along to the end of the garden , ’ Sergeant told them .
11 ‘ I expect you signed in as a voluntary patient ; then they 're covered , Evans said .
12 ‘ It must be nice living here , ’ I said , changing the subject , ‘ but how d' you go on for shopping ? ’
13 D' you go out in the evening ? ’ asked Patrice McKechnie .
14 How d' you get on with my baby sister , Louisa ? ’
15 I mean once you get er in the , say you get on in grain and you got leather shoes on , well you 'd roll but th when you got , when you got rope , these rope soles , cos they used to grip on the grain , they would n't slip about .
16 You know you say you lived in at Ipswich Station ?
17 As far as career or professional interests are concerned , three of the major planets in Capricorn urge you to come up with permanent rather than makeshift solutions .
18 And if you pass that test you go back to your police force and you are evaluated and having tests all the time .
19 When you finish testing , well , as you test you start off with simple numbers and you then start changing some of the numbers , to test other aspects , and eventually you 're happy that everything seems to be working alright .
20 Team 1 is concentrating on the basement and ground floor , so I want you to go up to the 4th level as team 2 will be putting out the flames on floors 2 + 3 .
21 ‘ I want you to go back to the house and telephone the Incident Room .
22 ‘ I want you to take over from Nurse Calvert when they 've finished in Room G with Mrs Cole . ’
23 ‘ First I want you to sit down over here and write down the names of all those who shared the stolen fruit with you . ’
24 I want you to sing along with this it 's very good you 'll enjoy this all right .
25 I want you tucked up in bed , stat . ’
26 Now somehow I want you to break out of that and to , as I say , shout it from the rooftops , because in the end , the public applause from that will protect you from those who might seek to neuter you in that role .
27 So you 're all agreed that I want you to pack up at half past ten ?
28 ‘ I want you to get on to your divisional headquarters and ask them to organise a search of the moor in the neighbourhood of Jordan 's farm .
29 ‘ Midge , I want you to get back into the car , close the doors and lock them from the inside . ’
30 ‘ I want you to get back to the docks and get everybody out as fast as you can .
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