Example sentences of "[vb base] that [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She lifted her face to the sun , half closing her eyes against the silver dazzle that bounced across the water , breathing deeply on the tangle-scented air .
2 WHAT do the following have in common : a machine that can write the Bible on a pinhead ; a single-lens microscope that magnifies 1000 times ; a barometer that measures the difference in atmospheric pressure across the thickness of a book ; a 15-cm ( 6-inch ) telescope that fits into a jacket pocket ; and the first bicycle crossing of the uninhabited central region of Iceland ?
3 ‘ A cry that shivered to the ti ng li ng stars . ’
4 That is why some observers say that getting to the starting-line is an achievement in itself — most had reckoned the Bank 's immunity from prosecution to be an iron-clad provision of the 1987 Banking Act .
5 Some people say that trotting on the roads helps harden the horse 's legs while others maintain that too much trotting mean too much concussion on legs and feet ; I follow the latter view and so we stayed in walk with the occasional gentle trot uphill .
6 That night over a pretentious dinner ( ‘ delicate strips of milk-fed veal on a bed of herbs and accompanied by a tangy aromatic sauce specially prepared by our chefs ’ ) in a pretentious modern hotel and fortified by a bottle of local plonk , my Producer John Reynolds and I resolved to telephone the Palace Chamberlain in the morning , say that owing to a technical fault the film was not usable , and did the king have a spare hour in which we might shoot the interview again ?
7 Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church .
8 You associate that place with a particular set of activities , so that returning to that place reinforces your mental concentration and allows you to work better .
9 The stockmarket rally that started in the last quarter of 1992 pushed up the composite share index from a low point of 459 on August 21st to 678 at the end of the year , up 11% from 12 months earlier .
10 SUBSTANCE P is a peptide neurotransmitter that binds to the neurokinin-1 receptor and is involved in pain transmission and neurogenic inflammation .
11 The owners of the Bothy Vineyard in Oxfordshire insist that winegrowers in the UK should be allowed to run their businesses as they see fit .
12 He unlocked the companionway hatch that led to the yacht 's interior , glancing over his shoulder as he folded the doors back .
13 On the first occasion I had been down to visit an isolated village , on the south face of Kala Agar ridge , that had been abandoned the previous year owing to the depredations of the man-eater , and on the way back had taken a cattle track that went over the ridge and down the far side to the forest road , when , approaching a pile of rocks , I suddenly felt there was danger ahead .
14 They all start with the basic feline sound , genetically inherited like all the other elements of their communication system , but the artificial nature of the adult cat/human owner relationship creates a special world in which new subtleties develop that go beyond the genetically-shared vocabulary .
15 There is a widely felt fear that cuts to the social element of citizenship have damaged social cohesion and that this damage outweighs any advantages that the policy may have in the economic sphere .
16 This interpretation of class differences in answers to the Ten Statements Test — as entirely compatible with class similarities in domestic role-identification — does not , of course , mean that answers to the test have no meaning or importance in their own right .
17 Elizabeth Rickards , vice-principal of Duff Miller Sixth-Form College in London , believes that new types of examination mean that cramming in the old-fashioned way is impossible .
18 You see we 've had some very good reports , I mean that went through a very bad patch but they 've this new Doctor Colin he 's meant to be pretty switched on
19 EC milk quotas , which since their imposition in 1984 have seen milk production fall by 20 per cent , mean that supply to the manufacturing industry is rationed .
20 According to Galbraith , America 's democracy of the contented contemptuously ignores the growing underclass of the poor , underestimates the declining competitiveness of the US economy , and responds resentfully to any remedy that intrudes on the majority 's self-satisfaction .
21 Their fragrance mingled with the faint smell of wood smoke that lingered in the room and the rector thought , yet again , how warm and full of life this small room was .
22 The cavalry had already ridden through the pall of dust and smoke that hung over the demolished Cutcherry and now they were ready to hurl themselves at the garrison , hastily assembled behind the churchyard wall .
23 I conclude that looking at the matter from the point of view of expense incurred and not from the point of view of loss to the employer no expense could be regarded as having been incurred as a result of the decision of the authorities of the college to provide this particular benefit to the taxpayer .
24 So they have put on a Christmas show that runs until the end of January , which while still being very different from anything else in the Midlands this Christmas , should entice a new audience into the theatre .
25 And let that sit in the shoe box and then tape the shoe box .
26 The " healing " is therefore done between sufferers rather than from staff to patients and is the equivalent of the group insight and support that comes in the Anonymous Fellowships .
27 This is likely to enhance further any mistrust that exists between the two groups .
28 A RUGBY match that turned into a bloodbath could be investigated by police .
29 When you consider that going into the final Test the Australians , renowned for their safe catching in recent times , had missed 24 chances against India 's eight , you get some idea of the home bowler 's dominance over the fragile Indian batting throughout the series .
30 Norwegian , three-colour and four-colour designs all make use of the colour changer , but if you do not have this accessory they are still possible if you use the jacquard claw that comes with the machine .
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