Example sentences of "[vb base] not [adv] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 No-one loves a winner , they are saying , and everyone knows Neath do not particularly wish to be loved .
2 We do not need to reach firm answers to these questions to see that the realities of British politics — both the process of electing a parliament and the relation of that elected body to those who actually form and control the machinery of state — certainly do not neatly correspond to or embody the original notion of government by the people or the people 's representatives .
3 However , the origin of scribal habits is not in itself valid proof that variable use of the conventions in written English do not also relate to variable usages in spoken English .
4 Do not just go to the solicitor who did you conveyancing , or walk into your nearest solicitor 's firm on the high street .
5 The provision and s740 do not just apply to cases where there is a transfer of an asset from the United Kingdom to a place outside the United Kingdom .
6 What this spirit brought was a confidence that problems can be solved , and do not just have to be lived with .
7 He had maintained that ‘ some of these bases do not even answer to strategic necessities in connection with the possibility of a world war , but simply serve for the imperialist domination of the peoples concerned , the subjection of nations and the combating of movements of national liberation ’ .
8 The recent survey Trends in public library selection policies shows that about 20 % of public libraries do not even allocate to categories such as adult fiction , or children 's books , and very few record stock revision separately .
9 STA SODON The worst feelings which do not even lead to suicide
10 I do n't know how to — I do not even want to — dispel this cold mist left over from the fog .
11 They do not even have to be rocks deposited under fresh water conditions , because wood and seeds are perfectly capable of drifting long distances before becoming waterlogged enough to sink to the bottom of the sea .
12 But properties do not even have to be habitable to qualify .
13 They do not even have to be alike at all beyond some minimum range of conditions which puts them into the same political category .
14 These barriers do not even conform to the existing standard , since the gap at pedal height on the upper barrier is only 392mm. , while the gap at the bottom of the lower barrier is only 395mm .
15 Haulage contracts do not even need to be in writing .
16 An object-oriented parallel operating system that is completely portable between all widely used processors , so much so that applications do not even need to be recompiled is the creation of a British company — Tao Systems Ltd of Belsize Park , London NW — which has substantial financial backing from Japan .
17 An object-oriented parallel operating system that is completely portable between all widely used processors , so much so that applications do not even need to be recompiled is the creation of a British company — Tao Systems Ltd of Belsize Park , London NW — which has substantial financial backing from Japan .
18 We do not even need to be able to measure the somewhat esoteric concept of surplus , since it is always a one-way reduction .
19 Often , the manufacturers do not even know to what extent their equipment will stand up to RFI .
20 The accounting practices discussed do not exclusively relate to the public sector .
21 Voters do not instinctively turn to Labour in time of trouble .
22 Performers and listeners do not generally warm to music which is written in discordant or arid style .
23 In these situations it is often the deterioration of the mind of the old person which makes tending tasks so hard to bear , which reminds us that we do not simply respond to bodies , we respond to people , negatively or positively .
24 I do not ordinarily go to Egyptian plays .
25 Three days before the CAA hearing , the new Virgin Atlantic Airways was launched publicly at Maxims restaurant in London , with the requisite drum-banging to ensure the media paid full attention to Branson 's claim that there were ‘ 250,000 people who do not yet travel to New York , but would if the price was right ’ .
26 We do not yet know to what extent chimps use their potential in the wild .
27 Data for calculating the thermal history more objectively do not yet seem to be available ( but see Chadwick 1985a ) .
28 The engine produces an uneven cacophony of rattles , misfires and exhaust bark which , together with the odd puff of oil smoke from the crankcase breather , do not exactly say to a pilot , ‘ You can trust me , chief ’ , nor instil any confidence in the outcome of the next few minutes .
29 Rural communities in Wales or the North of England , Italian immigrant communities in London , or Pakistani communities in Rochdale , working-class communities in Bethnal Green or Liverpool , French Canadians in Quebec ; all these patterns and many others can be said to exist within industrial societies and yet do not clearly conform to the model presented earlier .
30 Although in practice the program staff do not strictly adhere to ‘ job demarcation , ’ on paper at least it can be further broken down into , Director ; 3 Cultural Program staff , 1 Research Program , 1 Research/Library , 1 Workshop Co-Ordinator/Economic Education program , 2 Economic Education staff , 1 Environmental Health/Toxic Waste program , and 1 on the Cultural program staff with especial responsibility for youth work .
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