Example sentences of "[vb base] not [verb] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Why that is so extraordinary is that governors of institutions of that kind tend not to want to give interviews to the press ; they keep their views very much to themselves .
2 Differential ownership of mechanical aids , and differences in the possession of amenities , may affect the way housework is done , and they may have some influence on attitudes to work tasks , but they do not appear to affect satisfaction with work .
3 The NRPB says this is because of new findings that the livers of cows grazing near coal-fired stations do not appear to accumulate polonium .
4 Christians do not appear to become devotees of Krishna without a social introduction to Hinduism .
5 7.1.2 The proposals of the White Paper and Working Papers 3 and 8 do not appear to offer disincentives to general practices to work with elderly people , and to welcome them to their lists .
6 The auks , while they do not appear to recognise man as a benefactor , certainly are aware of the signals given by other birds .
7 Urbanization was the cause : the Thessalian cities do not start to mint coins till the fifth century and this implies the beginnings of political self-consciousness after prolonged backwardness .
8 Experience in the laboratory or in the field gives those who do not intend to undertake research as a career the opportunity to learn how their subject has progressed through experiment .
9 For the avoidance of doubt , Mr. Speaker , I do not intend to give way to the hon. Gentleman and , if he persists in intervening , it is merely because the Labour party 's grasp of democracy can not survive a week such as the previous one .
10 The Preservation Group is hoping to have a stall at some car boot sales in the district to raise funds for this project , as we do not intend to take money out of general society funds , other than the original £100 provided to purchase materials etc .
11 However , you should still separate out your data , even if you do not intend to charge users for disk space .
12 Thus we do not intend to provide evidence here of frightening rates of soil loss and desertification throughout the world .
13 If you are new to Homoeopathy and do not intend to follow case taking and evaluation guidelines , such as have been given in this chapter , then a set of 6x remedies will serve you best .
14 The point also needs to be made that these figures do not relate to gross income or net income in the sense that any member of the public would normally understand it .
15 In saying this I do not mean to trivialize art .
16 I do not mean to endorse pragmatism .
17 Be careful that you do not continue to reject fields at the same time as getting lower and lower until it is too late either to have any selection or to achieve a good approach .
18 Other Japanese companies-Hitachi , Toshiba , Matsushita — have treated LC TVs more as a design exercise , and do not expect to market models for a while .
19 From the point of view of the hotel receptionist it is important to remember a vital practical point : do not refuse to take guest 's property into safe custody , and make sure that either you or one of your staff constantly remain at the reception desk in order to fulfil this duty .
20 Most Norwegians do not want to let others get their hands on the goodies — and that is what EC membership would involve .
21 I do not want to let schools off : they should compete in terms of truancy or examination tables .
22 Other surveys have found that many parents , especially those who use public transport , do not want to turn children into commuters , dragging them to a workplace nursery every day .
23 I do not want to stop people listening to football commentaries or cricket scores .
24 ‘ We do not want to destroy Buddha but to christen him . '
25 We do not want to pillory people without cause .
26 Most people should be reducing their fat intake , but many do not want to sacrifice taste and texture in the search for a healthier diet .
27 I do not want to delay progress , but someone must say that he is not entirely happy about the way in which British Rail has promoted the Bill and about the contents of some of the clauses .
28 Ms Hyslop added : ‘ There are those who were unhappy with the parliamentary group 's vote but who do not want to see months of infighting within the party . ’
29 The Director of the Kenya Wildlife Service , Dr Richard Leakey , commented that : " We do not want to see ivory having a commercial value , because if it has , people will continue to steal it .
30 We do not want to see pensioners ' or anybody else 's savings eroded by the inflation levels sustained by the then Labour Government .
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