Example sentences of "[vb base] not [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , investors tend not to deal with a new house if they are doubtful about its tenacity — and skilled market staff will not join a firm even for high salaries if they are unsure that it will remain in the market .
2 Firstly , they tend not to originate from a real typographic font but are often variations on an original while , secondly , being bitmaps they can not be scaled .
3 try not to rush into a decision you may later regret
4 It would be odd if they did , since feminists , like philosophers , do not speak with a single voice .
5 Naturally broken sequences Record keys often do not start as an unbroken sequence .
6 Do not start for a strange city or town , even for a night , without previous information of a safe place to stay .
7 Individuals do not move through a smooth physical vacuum ; they negotiate structured social contexts in company with other individuals .
8 The facts of sea-warfare are not ignored but there is no concentration on their gruesome aspects and , usually , plain statements do not extend to an analysis of the effect of conflict on individuals .
9 ( 1 ) Do not study for an extended period on one subject .
10 The prices of alarms , as well , you 'd be quite surprised they do not range from a thousand .
11 Do not stand with a light or window behind you .
12 By themselves , these facts do not stand as a complete answer to the challenge : if the industrial co-operative form of organisation is more efficient than the conventional form , why is it that the first has not displaced the second but has remained until recently a negligible feature of the economy and , even now , can hardly be said to have become so far of more than marginal importance ?
13 or telephone when vehicles moving except in emergencies , you should only stick your fix or clip on microphone where it will not distract your attention from road , do not stop on a hard shoul shoulder of a motorway to answer or make a call however urgent .
14 Of course , it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly why we do or do not engage in a particular action .
15 Do not rush into a decision .
16 There are those who feel , for instance , that a revolution did take place but not one which achieved positive effects ; or others who dispute the existence of an English revolution but who do not adhere to a neo-conservative interpretation of English history .
17 People do not negotiate in a direct and immediate way with material conditions ; the negotiation is structured through consciousness .
18 Many changes of government in Britain do not usher in a new set of policies in most departments .
19 Current research assumes that crime and justice do not exist in a social vacuum , that they are at least partially political creations , and that they are inextricably involved in society .
20 The possibilities for integration , that do not exist in a segregated , all-age special school , are many — as students begin to mix , sometimes for the first time , in a community setting with other adult learners .
21 No matter how ethereal they may seem , they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space .
22 Ideas do not exist in a vacuum , free-floating in outer space , waiting to be corralled .
23 Forms of knowledge , even the most pure and theoretical , do not exist in a vacuum .
24 As with mangrove forests , they do not consist of a single species that happens to have exploited a particular niche , but of a whole group of species , not necessarily related to each other , each of which is adapted to the rich pickings .
25 Free indexing languages do not consist of a list of terms distinct from those used to describe concepts in a subject area .
26 They do not consist of an abstract duty to maximise profits or otherwise to act in the interests of society .
27 About one in three claims which do not go to a hearing are dropped by applicants .
28 Meanwhile other chemists have tried to fashion totally synthetic models that do not depend on a porphyrin ligand .
29 Postgraduate Bursaries are available for certain full-time courses which do not lead to a higher degree .
30 Most courses are for education and enjoyment only , and do not lead to a qualification , but some courses lead to a diploma , and many universities offer part-time and full-time degree courses in archaeology .
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