Example sentences of "[vb base] [pn reflx] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
2 Women 's exemption from these time-geared precepts was the result both of their extensive periods of ritual impurity and of their designated role as closeted homemakers — though of course in making such a statement , we immediately involve ourselves in a greater degree of circularity .
3 It can and will work , but only if heads and governors involve themselves in a true partnership based on mutual trust , respect and understanding .
4 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
5 The biological positivists did not , however , involve themselves in the detailed specification of penal treatments .
6 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
7 In the meantime Margery has exposed her ability to think and indeed picture herself in the vulgar , crude terms of the fabliau world : ( " That shall never be that I shall do such falsity in bed or on the floor . " )
8 They just let themselves in the back door , he said , took the money and smashed the place .
9 Or imagine yourself in a peaceful place .
10 Imagine yourself in a lush , green landscape , with hills rising around you .
11 Perhaps imagine yourself in a cosy armchair , gazing into a log fire , stroking the cat on your lap and sipping a glass of dandelion wine .
12 Imagine yourself in a beautiful garden , dancing across the lawns in sheer delight .
13 Imagine yourself in the new office , or at the successful interview , or signing the contract — and see every detail as clearly as possible .
14 You put yourself in the right mental state and adopt the persona that 's needed . ’
15 Will history repeat itself in the 1990s ?
16 He saw Ratagan 's axe flash like a star and bury itself in a hairy snout , splintering black blood .
17 Kick yourself in the head/Pretty soon you will be dead … ’
18 Get yourself ready , and we 'll see how they enjoy themselves in the Big House . ’
19 Above all remember that you are selling yourself , so present yourself in a confident fashion but without boasting .
20 and how you feel yourself , that 's how you present yourself to other people , I think if you present yourself in a confident manner , I think people pick up on that and I do , I do n't think beauty is necessarily what you see , I think its how you feel within yourself and how you present yourself to people .
21 In a thoughtful exploration of the relevance of Caplan 's crisis theory ( 1961 ) for social work practice , O'Hagan proposed that the chaotic situations which frequently present themselves in a social service department require a different understanding of the nature of a crisis and the part played by a social worker in resolving it .
22 One point , just to add to what Liz is saying , and I support everything she 's said , one further point is that accuracy is terribly important because if you actually have a mistake in the press release , and the editors publish it or it 's broadcast and a whole lot of listeners or readers write in and complain , they 'll find it very hard to forgive you because they get themselves in a terrible problem , so do be sure you 're giving them accurate information all the time .
23 Then amuse yourself in the long autumn evenings , ’ said Thorfinn , ‘ working out what bargain he made with them before he came north .
24 This point Marx made much more explicitly in Capital , Book ‘ [ 378–9 ] : ‘ The simplicity of the productive organism in these self-sufficient communities — which continually reproduce their kind , and , if destroyed by chance , reconstruct themselves in the same locality and under the same name — this simplicity unlocks for us the mystery of the unchangeableness of Asiatic society , which contrasts so strongly with the perpetual dissolutions and reconstructions of Asiatic states . ’
25 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
26 Perhaps we should not be too surprised when we find ourselves in the new world of quality primary care .
27 And I 'd like to explain since we find ourselves in the real world , rather than fantasy land , how we 've approached the subject of client server .
28 Back , back we find ourselves in the frustrating and confusing conceptual warp .
29 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
30 We find ourselves in an impossible position .
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