Example sentences of "[vb base] [pn reflx] to [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , species are real things , with real discontinuities between them — at least if we confine ourselves to sexual organisms living in the same place at the same time .
2 They attach themselves to executable files and are able to load themselves every time the infected file is loaded .
3 The funds do not , in practice , restrict themselves to big companies .
4 Country-style interiors lend themselves to rich designs and colours .
5 Pagan demons also lend themselves to biblical interpretations .
6 Animals lend themselves to humorous interpretations .
7 Animals lend themselves to humorous interpretations .
8 Many of these areas lie too wet in winter for arable farming , and thus lend themselves to bought-in herds of cattle for summer fattening .
9 The surfaces of regular and semi-regular solids lend themselves to geodesic shells in which all the vertexes touch the surface of a circumscribing sphere .
10 Within such studies there is a tendency also to concentrate on those ‘ academic ’ components of the curriculum which more easily lend themselves to didactic modes of exposition and question-and-answer teaching .
11 The importance of these spiritual disciplines is also recognized in Islam , where from earliest times there has been a certain class of men known as ‘ The Weepers ’ , who devote themselves to ascetic practices .
12 Whether they remain in Edinburgh or betake themselves to other lands and whatever be the walk of life in which they were bred I believe the students of this seminary will be found everywhere and at all times promoting civilisation in the world . ’
13 For instance one can readily see how insects adapt themselves to many environments but the larger the animal the less likely it is to survive if the environment drastically changes .
14 Tentative proposals for research towards highly interactive systems which adapt themselves to individual users and uses were put forward in 1984 .
15 I dedicate myself to Higher Things .
16 Unlike most of the other 2,000 pension funds then operating in America , the GM fund did not principally invest in the company 's own shares nor limit itself to fixed-income securities .
17 Surely if the courts and lawyers limit themselves to medical criteria as justifying their sex classification system , they must follow expert opinion .
18 Given the need for an extensive approach within the limitations noted above , and given that the first stage of the fieldwork demonstrated that heroin users generally confine themselves to specific networks , it was decided to use a ‘ network analysis ’ approach using the technique of snowball sampling , or chain referral ( Fraser and Hawkins 1984 , p. 82 ) .
19 He went on to attack scientists on both sides of the lead debate ‘ who ally themselves to political campaigns
20 The children can also watch television on their own set or help themselves to soft drinks from their own bar , which gives Mum and Dad a chance to enjoy a leisurely drink on the verandah .
21 So you put your ten one pound coins on the table and I say well I 'm going to add minus eight pounds to it tonight , help yourself to eight pounds , .
22 And , when burying himself in work , he left several bowls of gold coins outside his room , with a note saying ‘ Please help yourself to those coins , but on no account disturb me ’ .
23 For the transatlantic marriages , several dictionaries of American expressions are available , enabling you to eliminate Americanisms , explain yourself to American listeners , or make jokes about the differences between Americanisms and conventional English language .
24 I 'd join the crimplene brigade , dress out of the Littlewoods club and resign myself to false teeth and a perm by the time I was 30 .
25 If this passage does have central and significant relevance to contemporary working relationships , we must begin by clarifying in what ways the issues touched upon by Paul 's words address themselves to current situations and concerns .
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