Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [v-ing] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I 've been freelancing the last couple of years . ’
2 ’ Well John Major says I 'm a bit of a bastard , and I 've been spending the first part of this conference checking my birth certificate ’ .
3 Since October 1989 teachers have been delivering the first stages of a new national curriculum ; and in the early summer they will start testing ( sorry , assessing ) all seven-year-olds on the three core disciplines : mathematics , English and science .
4 And this has been put in place alongside our position on the Gulf to complete our policy on the Middle East where we were condemning the hypocrisy of the western nations who have been supplying the Third World with arms and then going in there , fighting er just to maintain access to the oil .
5 I have been reading the last few pages and I think they are true and beautiful and just , recompense enough for the cold gloom of this untidy and lonely room .
6 aye , you see , that 's why so it meant that we have been going the last week in each month , er each second month
7 Stars of the film world have been marking the eightieth birthday of one of the giants of British cinema .
8 Buyers from all over the country have been attending the first of the annual auctions of holly and mistletoe .
9 Joh Commonwealth leaders have been attending the first day of their summit in Cyprus and protests by Greek Cypriots .
10 The management of Absent Ltd have been studying the first three years ' results of this newly formed company and are a little concerned with the figures produced .
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