Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [adj] at the " in BNC.

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1 It says I 've been good at the doctor today .
2 I 've been interested at the strength of comments made to be on similar lines by people I thought out-and-out-royalists .
3 Such occurrences have been rare at the Masters but we must eliminate them entirely if our patrons are to continue to merit their reputation as the most knowledgeable and considerate in the world . ’
4 ‘ I have been alarmed at the easy way the Labour Party has in recent years allowed certain factions in society to dictate to them the philosophical approach they should be following .
5 Nigel Griffiths said : ‘ Even monarchists have been disappointed at the sort of behaviour from some members of the Royal Family .
6 Those in industry and those who are concerned about our future in Europe have been disappointed at the level of debate .
7 US firms have been incensed at the number and size of claims filed against thrifts ' professional advisers by RTC , and have accused the government of targeting them as ‘ deep pockets ’ in an attempt to recover some of the billions of dollars US taxpayers lost when the S&L industry collapsed .
8 The settlers have been shocked at the ease with which the idea of withdrawal from some or all of the Heights has gained currency in mainstream politics .
9 She attested in September 1939 that ‘ universally , householders have been shocked at the disgraceful and disgusting conditions in which a certain portion of the population lives ’ , and that ‘ the low slum type form the majority of the mothers , some out for what they can get , most of them dirty , many of them idle and unwilling to work or pull their weight ’ .
10 For example , analyses of expenditure to client group have been available at the national level since the mid-1970s .
11 Both the P-E Inbucon annual survey of executive salaries , and the much smaller Jonathan Wren city salary survey , confirm that salary increases have been bigger at the top end of business and the City than at the bottom .
12 As a long-term contributor to the feature we have always taken pains to ensure that the rates we have quoted have been correct at the time of the survey ( usually December ) .
13 EVER since the US presidential election , the news and social commentators have been busy at the old old story of explaining the use of words by the Americans .
14 It has also been remarkable , in the past few weeks , that people who had not been born in 1953 have been conspicuous at the anniversary celebrations .
15 For many years , people have been astonished at the ‘ revolting judicial behaviour ’ of the European Court of Justice , whose determined promotion of European integration has surprised even the most ardent federalists .
16 The source added : ‘ We have been surprised at the level of interest from the banks . ’
17 In my experience as an inspector I have been surprised at the frequency with which there are no or inadequate schemes of work within secondary school departments , with the effect that there is either repetition between the years , or gaps and discontinuities .
18 ‘ I like everyone on the crew and the cast have been amazed at the reaction to it and the way that people have tried to analyse it .
19 In the past few years I have been amazed at the transformation of the zoo , to a very modern , progressive and caring institution .
20 How much the shenanigans in the boardroom have affected the team 's performance on the field is hard to say but those performances , even allowing for another sad catalogue of injuries , have been inconsistent at the least .
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