Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [verb] in some " in BNC.

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1 The various fungal diseases which manifest themselves upon fish are almost exclusively secondary infections , developing on areas of the body which have been damaged in some way .
2 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
3 In the paranoid , anguished silence you surmise , or maybe you were told later , that these heavies have been swindled in some drug deal in the scuzzy wine lodge next door , and that they are out to commit violence against the perpetrator .
4 In an attempt to address this situation , alternative approaches to worker certification and improved opportunities for advancement have been developed in some countries .
5 profits have continued to represent about one-third of the turnover ; this is seen as not necessarily the highest proportion of profits to income in the headhunting business as a whole , where estimates of 60% have been made in some cases .
6 But this image of autonomy and of the self can be threatening , too , to women who do have a strong allegiance to feminism ; and the threat intersects with assumptions that have been made in some feminist discourse about who is or is not ‘ really ’ a feminist .
7 The outside walls are virtually complete and the floors have been replaced in some of the towers allowing access to the battlements via spiral staircases .
8 Organised thrombi have been noted in some patients in association with plexiform lesions suggesting chronic thomboemboli as the cause .
9 Movie memorabilia is nothing new but cries of blaX-ploitation have been heard in some quarters .
10 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
11 There has been some doubt about the law with regard to traffic-calming measures other than road humps which has meant that authorities have produced traffic-calming schemes but have been left in some doubt as to whether they could be prosecuted for obstructing the highway .
12 But we have evidence that these gravimetric machines have been sabotaged in some of Britain 's pits , so they give false low readings .
13 Some rural locations have been designated as ‘ assisted areas ’ which can benefit from regional policy , while special development boards have been established in some regions such as mid-Wales and the Highlands and Islands .
14 In addition to the economic policies already discussed , development boards have been established in some rural areas where particularly acute social and economic problems exist .
15 There is a good chance that further Coal Measures have been preserved in some of the fault blocks , particularly towards the deeper parts of the sedimentary basins beneath Lough Neagh and southeast Antrim .
16 The depth and extent of this understanding have been shown in some work of exceptional quality and insight .
17 Understanding language development for all prospective parents , second language learning for all prospective language learners , language structure and the history of languages for some students at least , have been encouraged in some schools ( Donmall , 1985 ) .
18 Increased rates of spinal bone loss have been reported in some patients and the average spinal bone loss was 3%/yr .
19 Pillow lavas have been identified in some of the oldest rocks on earth , over 3,400 million years old , and in rocks of all ages up to the present .
20 At least the powers are there in the statute and have been used in some cases .
21 Up to five different toxin genes have been found in some strains of Bt and up to four different genes have been found on the same plasmid .
22 In recent years , minor enzyme deficiencies have been found in some people , which do not normally make them ill unless they take a particular medicinal drug .
23 Disallowed Ramachandran angles associated with active sites have been found in some proteins and are generally believed to have structural and also possible functional roles .
24 Dr Peter Fleming , Bristol Maternity Hospital , UK , reported that changes in the variability of respiration in response to alterations in room temperature have been found in some normal infants .
25 The marketing strategies of banks have been aimed in some cases at attracting young customers , especially the student market .
26 The effects of trampling on large mammalian bone have been described in some detail ( Andrews & Cook , 1985 ; Behrensmeyer et al . ,
27 Although Caribbean language varieties ( and , in particular , Jamaican Creole ) have been described in some detail , our knowledge of the language of second and third generation West Indian settlers in Britain is extremely sketchy .
28 Automated techniques for studying data have been provided in some software .
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