Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for failure in these projects tend not to lie in the technical side , though the technology is complex , nor in the economic side , though the cost of these systems is very high .
2 For this reason hourly based fee structures tend not to include within the cost estimate any MAS involvement at the completion stage .
3 So parents tend not to hear about the things that really go on a lot of the time in nearly all schools and they do hear a bit about the things that are a little bit different , so they can get quite a distorted picture of , of what 's going on .
4 Such fans tend not to travel on the regular ‘ soccer special ’ bus coaches and trains , preferring to use scheduled public transport .
5 I now turn to traits which seem not to contribute to the fitness of the individual even in their present form .
6 If you decide not to continue with the claim or if it is unsuccessful , you will still have to pay our bill .
7 Organise your affairs so as to get to the patient quickly , or decide not to go to the patient and use routinely the 999 service , but do have a practice policy .
8 If the Shareholders decide not to proceed with the proposed sale for any reason , the fees of KPMG and [ name ] will be calculated according to time spent and will not exceed £ [ x ] in the case of KPMG and £ [ y ] in the case of [ lawyer ] and all such fees will be payable by the Company .
9 Try not to go on the defensive .
10 Do n't be too long , and try not to dawdle on the way there and back .
11 ‘ Well , I try not to stay with the same methods .
12 If we choose not to attend to the higher-level activity during cycling we simply do not notice our surroundings and may take an incorrect route .
13 I rang a sample of local authorities , but , because I prefer not to err on the side of scaremongering , I gave a figure of 20 to 25 per cent .
14 But those who trap themselves inside nationalist thinking , which includes most political journalists and politicians in the UK , prefer not to reckon with the historical fact that most of recorded human history managed fairly well , indeed probably much better , without nationalism .
15 The President shows members which hand not to use during the George Wood Cup competition .
16 While the band plays incidental music the recruits struggle not to sway to the tones of the well-known tunes .
17 Susan was downstairs now , with her arm in a sling , and before leaving the house Breeze made her promise not to go near the fire .
18 And I promise not to put on the Hörst Wessel . ’
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