Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 Incomplete information may lead to private choices which do not represent the best interests of individuals or society as a whole .
2 My own opinion is that the salaries of judges are so low that they do not attract the best brains .
3 I am an advocate of concentrating money market business rather than spreading it among a large number of banks ; so long as banks know that they are in competition it does not matter if they are competing with two or three others , or 50 : if they do not offer the best rate they will not get the business .
4 We do not choose the best alternative but the one we can best do something about .
5 ‘ farmers do not make the best Group Organisers : not because they are less effective but because they have insufficient time ’ ( this from seven respondents )
6 Someone with accountancy training can be extremely helpful in the preparation of Schedules of Special Damages and if your department is large enough to need some form of dedicated management , this can often best be provided by someone from outside the law as solicitors do not make the best managers .
7 In the main , most hotels seem happy to let their concierges work the system to their advantage , providing their more entrepreneurial traits do not get the better of them , as they did in the case of those at the Heathrow Penta .
8 This is a big topic which I do not intend to tackle here , but in my experience groups of like ability do not produce the best or most imaginative work .
9 The British do not have the best reputation for language skills , in fact , we probably have the worst .
10 ‘ As I do not have the good fortune to know your family , Emilia , I am hardly in a position to say , though I feel sure they would wish to know of your distress . ’
11 After all , you do n't want the good name of the club dragged through the tabloid press indefinitely , do you ? ’
12 Do n't bring the best chocolate ones ,
13 When you do n't get the best ball of the day and you still get out , the tendency can be to try to satisfy yourself by claiming good intentions — if the attitude is that ‘ there are no excuses : then you accept responsibility and responsibility is always judged in the context of what , to repeat myself , you can call ‘ appropriate cricket . ’
14 It means that you do n't get the good views of the Cove until you 've reached Malham Beck , but I think that it 's better doing the walk this way round than going at it clockwise and having to clamber down the scar .
15 You do n't get the good , really good light until you get across the water and out onto these hills and that 's where the the good light is in that erm top i third of the picture I think is where the real quality is .
16 They waited tea for another twenty minutes , before Beth addressed the two impatient children with the solemn words , ‘ If the others do n't have the good manners to come to the table at the proper time , then we 'll start without them . ’
17 Aplysia can grow up to about 30 centimetres long and weigh a couple of kilos , and of the several species the biggest and experimentally most popular ( I do n't say the best ) comes from California — Aplysia californica .
18 At that stage he seems to have cut his natural philosophy from the worsted cliches of a poor childhood : ‘ never rely on anybody else ’ , ‘ make yourself independent as soon as you can ’ , ‘ put a bit by for a rainy day ’ , ‘ do n't let the good times run away with you ’ .
19 Er , I must declare an , an interest because I am a , a court lawyer , but I think that a lot of people say no because of the media pres , presentation , you only hear bad stories , they do n't hear the good , good stories about the attempts to make the courts more efficient and I think that on the whole and with the circumstances that the courts have to deal with they do a very good job .
20 I do n't recall the good times I 've had at Wembley with anything like the same frequency — not just because there have n't been as many of them ( my personal Wembley record is played ten , won two , lost eight ) , but because when you support a football team , misery is the only currency that can purchase real ecstasy .
21 Our crowd have not seen the best of Wright yet .
22 ‘ Middlesbrough fans have not seen the best of me because of the nightmare run of injuries .
23 Payton is conscious of the fact fans have not seen the best of him since his debut injury against Bristol City in November .
24 CHELMSFORD have not had the best of luck in the draw for the National League relegation play-offs , which take place at the Oulton & West Warwickshire Club on April 2,3 and 4 .
25 However , it is hard to avoid the impression of a team who have not had the best of luck on and off the field , and who have had great difficulty in coping with Indian spinners , hitches , food and umpires .
26 ‘ What is more , we have n't seen the best of him yet .
27 I 'm not bothered either erm and he goes he goes , he goes I have n't got the best handwriting and by the looks of things neither has Mr it 's completely changed from the first three weekly you had .
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