Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] he a " in BNC.

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1 Faced with growing hostility or boredom over Europe , M Mitterrand threatened at the weekend to hold a referendum if the two parliamentary chambers do not give him a two-thirds majority for constitutional changes .
2 Do not give him a pretext to strike you down . ’
3 If you do n't give him a yardstick , you get this .
4 Bet you do n't wake him a lot !
5 I do n't mind saying I do n't blame him a bit !
6 The only reason I do n't call him a c*** is the commitment he showed to Leeds for eight years , through good times and bad .
7 Do n't call him a prat !
8 Er , I have n't sent him a letter back yet cos I thought , wondered whether anybody 'd like to volunteer to write , I sent a card last year .
9 I have n't given him a thought for years … ’
10 I 'll I promised Mr a list but I 've had a very busy week and have n't done him a list this week and I have promised and I 've broken a promise .
11 Geoff , an old fashioned sort of polliss , retired on health grounds a few years back and we still have n't bought him a pint .
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