Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His marriage seemed like the Atlantic Ocean to her , something vast and unknowable which she could not attempt to bridge but only fly over at a terrible speed .
2 Meanwhile , as ministers ' eyes glaze over at the thousand ‘ what ifs ’ thrown up by war , they would do well to remember Lord Salisbury 's deflatingly modest dictum from more than a century ago : ‘ The first object of a treaty of peace should be to make a future war improbable . ’
3 On Necromunda , so it is said , you grow up at an early age .
4 This lunchtime we 're missing a Co-op beer-tasting and nosh up at the excellent Dragon House Chinese restaurant in Newcastle these politicians have much for which to answer .
5 All the pubs and clubs empty out at the same time .
6 It hits his head and you do n't hear the noise it makes because you cry out at the same time , as though it 's you in the bed , you being attacked , you being killed .
7 In fact , all our theories of science are formulated on the assumption that space-time is smooth and nearly flat , so they break down at the big bang singularity , where the curvature of space-time is infinite .
8 You plot along at a steady crawl wondering if you 'll ever reach that far-off doorway , let go of the joystick as soon as you get there , then promptly take another pace !
9 This can be clearly seen at St Oswald 's in Gloucester , where the many phases of development are more clear in elevation than plan , and where , ironically , the earliest masonry is up above arches put in at a later date .
10 David Branch , Peter Evans and David Miller had just teed off at the 15th hole in a competition .
11 Tack into a gap once you have expended about half the time to the start from the buoy , then even if you sail back at the same speed , you can not be early .
12 FIGHTS break out at a Black Rights demonstration in Euston , London .
13 They come close to enjoining all scientists to refuse to engage in military research but then back off at the last moment .
14 Quick glance down at the clear water in the bowl .
15 If you 've only seen a De Lorean car in the Back to the Future films then drop in at the old plant in Dunmurry on Saturday afternoon ( 3.30 ) where the dream machine was produced .
16 And look down at the lumpy , single bed .
17 The opening episode of ‘ The Daleks ’ , ‘ The Dead Planet ’ premiers the use of Inlay in Doctor Who for one of the most historic shots in the programme 's history — the awesome moment when the Doctor , Ian , Barbara and Susan first look down at the glittering towers of the Dalek city , gleaming , some miles distant , in the rays of the setting sun .
18 Earlier her plan had been to go down to the village a little before the gala on the pretext of shopping and finding out the times of the events and perhaps look in at the antique shop ( for Mrs Price was on the Gala committee ) and let it be known she would join the young people , but now that her mother was ill that was out of the question , she pushed it on one side , the urgent thing was to get to the chemist 's and get the stuff up to her mother .
19 I must have a look round later , maybe look in at the big house , and see what Shimi Lovat and his officers were having for dinner .
20 There was a healthy balance for nineteen ninety three and this was mainly due to members supporting raffles and the fact that we have not put the show stand off at the British Aquarist Festival for a couple of years .
21 Next , look up at the blue sky — and notice a small , dark cloud drifting past .
22 I lie on my back and look up at the eternal sweep of marble skies .
23 Look up at the Great Tower which was built by the sons of Peter Parler in 1396 : -1406 , with a Renaissance gallery by B. Wohlmut , 1560–2 .
24 I wiped my brow , which had become a little sweaty , and took a last look up at the shadowless wall above .
25 Some of these children show an interesting reaction when the allergenic foods are removed from the diet and other allergens avoided : their mental and behavioural symptoms clear up at the same time as their physical ones .
26 No partnership has a guarantee of happiness , and if you give up at the first hint of discord you 'll never find the rewards a mature and honest relationship can bring .
27 Many give up at the first hurdle before discovering the eventual and significant rewards . ’
28 If you have a very active job or tiring journey to work , give up at the statutory 29th week .
29 At Finsbury Park tube a shambling white man comes up , blood from a cut drying on his brow , trying to beg with dignity and stand up at the same time .
30 Repeat the read out at a lower level in the structure .
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