Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] to [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 And men like my husband Bernard , full of love and trust , look up to heaven with adoring eyes , victims of the phenomena of positive transference which the tortured so easily develops for his torturer , and plunge about in female flesh crying , ‘ Only procreate and all will be well . ’
2 Does the Secretary of State agree that the individual totals announced today do not in all cases stand up to comparison with real-terms increases south of the border ?
3 He saw the man Eochaid picked , and watched him ride out to mid-field with two unarmed monks and the biggest cross they could find , drawing men 's eyes from Thorfinn himself .
4 LONGER THAN the longest dusty trail , The Mekons ' history stretches back to punk rock primitivism and back up to date with C&W-flavoured pop that has gained them a pant-moistening popularity with the critics Stateside and a curiosity corner popularity in Britain .
5 LONGER THAN the longest dusty trail , The Mekons ' history stretches back to punk rock primitivism and back up to date with C&W-flavoured pop that has gained them a pant-moistening popularity with the critics Stateside and a curiosity corner popularity in Britain .
6 The story is brought bang up to date with chapters on the Falklands conflict and the more recent Gulf War .
7 Nearly fifty years ago Peggy Lucas walked out across an airfield to fly a Spitfire for the first time … now she 's about to come bang up to date with a helicopter .
8 Nearly fifty years ago Peggy Lucas walked out across an airfield to fly a Spitfire for the first time … now she 's about to come bang up to date with a helicopter .
9 And finally bang up to date with the Red Arrows : they will be just one of fifteen air display teams performing at Fairford .
10 And finally bang up to date with the Red Arrows : they will be just one of fifteen air display teams performing at Fairford .
11 But , when they get down to business with the British , it is at least certain that they will not be as difficult as Mr Haughey 's government was .
12 Would the minister like to say , like to welcome that initiative but also to ensure that the money which the South Thames tech are going to be able to put into that will be able to continue and not only continue in that one but to allow the increase of this after school provision so that those many women in my constituency and who , the many women in South London who are unemployed , will have the opportunity to get back to work and get back to training with that very necessary provision for child care .
13 Children do not have that choice , and if they are not helped by those they rely on to deal with their frightening and disturbing feelings then they can suffer considerable harm .
14 Those who join are able to share experiences and keep up to date with the latest information on lung conditions , treatments and the services available .
15 There is no need to become a slave to it , provided you plan ahead and keep up to date with a number of essential tasks .
16 Keep up to date with the latest news and events from the SAA .
17 To fulfil her role properly , she must have time to prepare sessions and keep up to date with a wide range of subjects .
18 All serious sport kite flyers are advised to join and so keep up to date with their official manual .
19 The quest for excellence does n't stop in the examination room ; training is an on-going process for MLA members who keep up to date with new technological advances in the security industry by attending weekend and annual conventions .
20 Support personnel worked in areas adjacent to the production floor , so that they could be contacted instantly when required , and through constant contact keep up to date with the processes which they served .
21 But that that we took the view that you know people were entitled to go to an H E institution , and and keep up to date with what was happening there every year .
22 Keep up to date with risk assessment and risk management issues through continuing professional development ( CPD ) .
23 INSET allows librarians and teachers to examine new approaches , to improve personal skills , increase productivity and keep up to date with new technological developments .
24 Right , yeah so erm you know I mean that 's probably the best thing to do if you try and , try and at least keep up to date with the rest of this term and er you know not er make sure , even if you have n't been to a class at least you know what went , went on there from somebody
25 Our research also told us that the Student 's Book had to be in colour , so we took out the pictures and began again — using two pictures instead of one wherever possible — so that we stay up to date with the latest modifications to the Interview , Paper 5 .
26 Twice she made the kind of excuse that people made at cocktail parties when they wanted to extricate themselves from a conversation and move on to talk with another guest , but five minutes later he was back at her side again , bending closer and closer towards her so that she became unpleasantly aware of the stale , alcoholic aura of his breath .
27 But to have an upper bulk like mine and a head like a bull , well , I ca n't see all the good , kind lasses falling over themselves and saying , Aw , Ben , come on to bed with me . ’
28 When we come up to date with the recent rise of ‘ law and order ideology ’ encouraged by politicians of the Right , Marxists need have little difficulty perceiving whose interests are being served ( Hall et al. , 1979 ; Hall 1979 , 1990 ) .
29 Volcanic bombs are just lumps of solid ( or sometimes plastic ) lava which are lobbed out of the vent , fall back to earth with a wallop , and that 's all .
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