Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] of [art] water " in BNC.

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1 Although flying fish leap out of the water they do not porpoise but glide , using their pectoral fins as aerodynamic surfaces .
2 ‘ Amazin' how much bigger they look out of the water , ’ commented Billy .
3 The explosion lifted the ship a few feet clear out of the water , smashing the superstructure against the low tunnel roof even as the hull burst open with a blaze of fire .
4 I like watching them get out of the water — they look real funny .
5 When pursued , they shoot out of the water and spread greatly elongated , broad pectorals which until now have been held close to the body .
6 I burst out of the water to inhale the smell of the warm buried desert careering across the surface of the pool .
7 Gainsborough 's house … to say nothing of huge grey sweeps of empty beach from which , at Aldeburgh , you can buy goggle-eyed skate direct from the fishing boats as they come out of the water .
8 When they come out of the water , it is as if the mikva represents the womb and they are reborn .
9 I could almost see her come out of the water with her short hair glistening wet and pressed to her forehead .
10 And , as they come out of the water the fa , the bible says the spirit takes Philip away and he goes down now to so to Somaria and and he starts preaching there in Somaria a and there 's this tremendous result !
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