Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] [prep] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 come up from , had a jug or two at come over here and stay the night and then walk down to in the morning .
2 ‘ The cells are luxurious compared to some of the things we put up with in the Army , ’ said one staff member during a Press tour of the jail .
3 A lot of the problems we meet up with in the surgery are related to difficulties people have in their lives at present or in the past .
4 Here are some points that Lloyds Bank suggests you look out for in the small print .
5 Paula said slyly , ‘ I might just tell Mum what you and Edward get up to in the pictures . ’
6 Which shows how little she knows about what I get up to in the small hours .
7 So in that sense the resources per student , the funds per student have in fact erm come down by in the region of erm fifteen per cent over the last ten years or so very roughly speaking already , and that 's a very considerable reduction in provision .
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