Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They then remain seated while the rest leave for the next trip .
2 For the avoidance of doubt I make clear that the investor would not be entitled to recover more than £100,000 .
3 These contracts , whilst stating it is a condition of employment that staff accept " all reasonable assignments " , make clear that the organisation has no obligation to offer work and that staff will not be paid when there is no work for them ( the organisation refers to this as " laying the worker off " ) .
4 Under the heading ’ Protecting the Environment , the Worker and the Public ’ , the minutes state : ’ The Single European Act and the Fourth Environmental Action Programme make clear that the environment is an integral part of the Community 's economic , social , industrial , agricultural and other policies .
5 Parisians remain unconvinced that the project will be approved , especially since it is not the only idea on the drawing board .
6 In certain cases the ordering of a retrial will be the appropriate solution where the damages appear excessive because the jury has taken into account irrelevant matters , or has not considered relevant matters ( Rubber Improvement Ltd v.
7 They look all right but taste bland and the filling turns to runny brown jam once warmed up .
8 Currency traders around the world remain fearful that the Government will be tempted to cut interest rates and go for growth , risking a fresh fall in sterling and another bout of inflation .
9 But many dealers remain convinced that the mark has peaked against both sterling and the dollar .
10 It may be that TNC proposals will raise standards by increased accountability ; but I remain convinced that the creation of a true teacher-parent partnership has even more to contribute .
11 Safe or not it wasw clear that the crowd enjoyed it , and the team did raisd eight hundred pounds for charity .
12 However , no system will remove sulphur compounds , which cause yellowing if the water , and evaporation loss concentrates all dissolved substances .
13 Under the scheme as it was originally cast , let alone before the Government began reducing both the numbers eligible and the value of the benefit paid , many low-income poll tax payers would have found themselves making a substantial contribution after receiving whatever the rebate to which they are entitled .
14 It does n't mean that she has to agree with every sub-paragraph of CND policy , let alone that the party itself is committed to ‘ unilateral nuclear disarmament ’ — whatever that means , nowadays .
15 This state is indicated when all the handlers have completed their workload , their entries remain blank and the cursor is positioned at the bottom of the screen .
16 Forstmann Little and the Gulfstream management now own all of the company 's equity .
17 Remember to change the filter floss weekly and the carbon every two months if the tank is fully stocked .
18 PASSIONS run high when the subject of animal rights is raised ; so high that the warring factions can be at odds even over ownership of key metaphors in the argument .
19 A psychopathic killer is at work , and passions run high until the murderer is finally unmasked in a dramatic pay-off .
20 Orders for durable goods fell unexpectedly in March , somewhat damping the new enthusiasm , but the financial markets seem convinced that the recovery , albeit a slow one , is about to start .
21 A friend of mine suggests this is because my system is all transistor rather than valves , but the processor and power amp both sound fine when the volume of each is turned up with the volume of the other turned down .
22 I walk through the lounge thinking something looks wrong somehow , then stop and stand still where the lounge opens out into the main terminal building , suddenly filled with horror and confusion ; it 's all too small and not shaped right !
23 Many of my Malawis are beautiful blue and purple colours which look great when the aquarium light is combined with natural daylight , but in the evening when there is no natural light , they look a pale blue/white colour — a far cry from their stunning metallic daylight colours .
24 The couple , however , seem confident that the problem is behind them and anyone with a love of the distance can not help but hope they are right , particularly in Olympic year .
25 The hips and thighs look spongy when the skin is pinched .
26 Now came the opportunity for Sylvia to play a significant role in her own treatment — something which I consider vital if the cure is to be permanent .
27 American seem amazed that the wife of Denis Thatcher , the famous left-handed player , is no longer the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom .
28 Provided the colours look attractive when the rug is purchased , the overwhelming probability is that they will only improve with age .
29 The proceedings seem bizarre but the Church was not inconsistent .
30 The nowers remain closed until the bird squeezes the bud , which explodes open , offering nectar ( but possibly no insects unlike most sunbird flowers ) and is pollinated ; if not visited , the flowers fall off .
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