Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] it like [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's a menial sort of job — people look upon it like that .
2 When you look at it like that .
3 So if it , if it look at it like that , these people are benefitting ho again and again , time and again and again out of some , out of somebody 's
4 Look at it like this and it will make you and the music feel good !
5 but any then look at it like this
6 but , er , you look at it like this then , if we did n't crawl out of the sea and er evolve then did we just appear like a flash of lighting
7 Well I hope they do because you end up with the wrong bloody solution if you just go at it like that .
8 ‘ It 's an interesting little puzzle when you think about it like that .
9 I never think of it like that .
10 Mind you when you think of it like that when you when you say that you 've got no mortgage and your kids grow up they do n't need your money and that and if you 're both in good jobs it is you do tend to think to yourself well at least lot lot longer than .
11 It 's gone quick has n't it , when you think , you know , when you think of it like that .
12 Think of it like that
13 Bit strange when you think of it like that .
14 Right , think of it like this , if , if all countries of the world , right , engage in free trade , there is no protection .
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